






  • 2002-2005, 哈尔滨工业大学,环境学院,博士

  • 2000-2002, 哈尔滨工业大学,环境学院,硕士

  • 1996-2000, 哈尔滨工业大学,环境学院,学士


  • 2007.08-至今,复旦大学BET体育365投注官网

  • 2013.11-2014.11 国家自然科学基金委 借调

  • 2012-2013 美国亚利桑那州立大学 访问学者

  • 2009.03-2010.03 加拿大女皇大学 访问学者


  1. 担任国际期刊《Science of the Total Environment》编委,《中国环境科学》期刊青年编委,《Water Research》、《Environmental Science & Technology》、《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Chemosphere》、《Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers》、《环境科学》等杂志审稿人

  2. 国际水协会(IWA)会员

  3. 美国化学学会(ACS)成员

  4. 上海水协会会员

  5. 上海环保产业协会会员

  6. 上海环境工程技术协会副理事长

  7. 上海市学校安全协会实验室安全分会副理事长



  • 《工业废水处理》(上海市优质课程、复旦大学优质课程)


  • 《水处理理论与设计》

  • 《实验室安全》



  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目22374030,题目《水源氯化活性物质光谱学解析及氯化反应机制研究》,项目负责人,2024-2027

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目22076026,题目《饮用水絮凝剂阳离子聚合物氯胺消毒过程生成NDMA的贡献与反应机理》,项目负责人,2021-2024

  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目21577024,题目《过硫酸盐外加电场再生有机物吸附饱和活性炭的过程与效率》,项目负责人,2016-2019

  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目2177703,题目《水中氯胺消毒副产物NDMA含氮前体物质识别与高效吸附去除机理》,项目负责人,2018-2022

  5. 十二五国家重大水专项课题/科技部2013ZX09428-012,题目《活性炭纳米高级氧化活性炭复苏技术机理研究》,项目负责人,2013-2015

  6. 国家自然科学基金50808049,题目《铝/羟基复合颗粒污泥制备、结构表征与高效脱除氮磷机理》,项目负责人,2009-2011

  7. 上海市科学技术委员会 科技创新行动计划 14231200202,题目《上海市二次供水水质保障关键技术研究与应用》,项目负责人,2014-1016

  8. 上海市科学技术委员会 《上海市水源地 NDMA前体有机物质组成与工艺去除效果研究》,项目负责人,2016-2017

  9. 上海市科学技术委员会《青草沙原水消毒副产物二甲基亚硝胺(NDMA)的生成与检测》,项目负责人, 2015-2017

  10. 教育部博士点新教师基金,题目《高效除磷用复合颗粒结构特征与反应机理研究》,项目负责人,2009-2011

  11. 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室开放基金,题目《高效除磷复合颗粒污泥制备研究》,项目负责人,2008-2010

  12. 长江水环境教育部重点实验室开放基金,题目《长江水源地水体氮磷污染资源化修复技术及机理》,项目负责人,2009-2011


  13. 十一五国家重大水专项课题/科技部2008ZX07421-004,题目《基于长江(上海段)原水水质特征的膜应用技术及其工程示范研究》,项目负责人,2009-2011

  14. 十五国家重大水专项课题/南方水资源开发利用工程研究中心,题目《太湖流域安全饮用保障技术—示范工程系统验证》,项目负责人,2008-2010

  15. 上海市科委博士后科研基金资助项目,题目《水体中有机物质安全转化与强化去除技术》,项目负责人,2006-2009

  16. 中国博士后科学基金一等资助金面上资助项目,题目《从源头到龙头水处理高效净化工艺系统集成研究 》(20060400178 ),项目负责人,2006-2009

  17. 上海市水务局重点课题 沪水科2012-07 题目《二次供水补充消毒水质保障技术及示范应用》,项目负责人,2012-2014

  18. 上海市自来水市北有限公司 SB140391《供水工艺中饱和活性炭再生方式的可行性论证》,项目负责人,2014-2016

  19. 上海市自来水市北有限公司 《居民二次供水补充消毒小试研究》,项目负责人,2014-2016

  20. 上海市供水调度监测中心《青草沙原水消毒副产物二甲基亚硝胺(NDMA)的生成与检测》,项目负责人,2015-2017

  21. 上海市供水调度监测中心《2018年青草沙水源专项-水处理工艺对新型特征污染去除效果分析》,项目负责人,2018-2019

  22. 上海市供水调度监测中心《2018年青草沙水源专项-青草沙新型特征污染检测与风险评估》,项目负责人,2018-2019

  23. 上海城投原水有限公司《上海市水源地有机物分子量分布》,2017-2018

  24. 上海市供水调度监测中心201水源地专项招标项目包件二:青草沙专项监测 ,项目负责人,2017-2018

  25. 上海城投原水有限公司《上海市水源水中致嗅真菌检测与时空分布》,项目负责人, 2018-2020

  26. 上海市城投水务制水分公司《现有采用臭氧活性炭工艺水厂微生物泄漏防控技术与管理》,项目负责人,2020-2021

  27. 上海城投原水有限公司《次氯酸钠与粉末活性炭工艺对水源中有机物组成改善》,项目负责人,2020-2021

  28. 上海市城投水务制水分公司《罗泾水厂深度处理改造工程超滤膜系统研究》,项目负责人,2020年4-12月

  29. 上海市供水调度监测中心《2020年青草沙水源专项监测——上海水源微量农药与工艺去除效果监测》,项目负责人,2020年1-12月

  30. 上海市崇明区自来水公司《崇明水厂消毒工艺技术优化》,项目负责人,2021年4-11月

  31. 上海城投水务集团有限公司,《罗泾水厂碳后超滤膜工艺微生物与化学安全性研究》,项目负责人,2021-2022

  32. 上海城投水务集团有限公司,《上海水源中微量重金属在污泥中富集研究》,项目负责人,2021-2022

  33. 英美资源贸易(中国)有限公司,《中国碳中和线路图》,项目负责人,2023

  34. 上海城市水资源开发利用国家工程中心有限公司,《金泽水库缓流区沉积物中营养盐及重金属赋存研究》,项目负责人,2023

  35. 上海城投原水有限公司,《水源中藻源性有机物特征及其作为消毒副产物前体物质生成趋势研究》,项目负责人,2023-2024

  36. 上海漾沁股份有限公司,《污泥焚烧飞灰中磷分离及多产物回收关键技术开发》,项目负责人,2023

  37. 上海城投原水有限公司,《上海水源地有机污染物特征解析及控制对策研究》,项目负责人,2024

  38. 上海市城投水务,《咸潮入侵导致盐度升高对供水全流程影响及对策研究》,项目负责人,2024


  39. 十一五国家重大水专项课题/上海市供水调度监测中心,《水源水质在线监测设备技术规范研究》,项目负责人,2010-2012

  40. 十一五国家重大水专项课题/中国城市规划设计研究院,《城市水质应急和在线监测规范化应用与验证》,项目负责人,2011-2014

  41. 上海市供水调度监测中心,《饮用水中N二甲基亚硝胺测定液相色谱-串联质谱法评估》,项目负责人,2024


  1. 与美国Arizona State University(ASU)的Paul Westerhoff教授针对消毒副产物、新材料环境行为、吸附技术等方面有紧密的课题和人员合作关系,已有2名硕士生赴ASU交流6个月。

  2. 与加拿大Queen’s University的Bruce Anderson教授针对“城市生活污水、污泥脱氮除磷技术”等常年开展交流合作。

  3. 与美国California Riverside University的Jay Gan教授针对环境新兴微污染物质的分布、迁移、转化等开展交流合作。

  4. 与美国University of Nevada, Reno的David Hanigan教授在消毒副产物的研究方面开展广泛合作。



  1. Yanan Chen, Yunkun Qian, Dong An*, Fan Liu, Jes Vollertsen, Jay Gan. Potential disinfection byproducts-related risks to drinking water? Molecular insights into the dissolved organic matter from photodegradation of polyethylene microplastics. ACS ES&T Water. 2024. 4(1), 217-226. Yunkun Qian, Shuqi Wu, Yanan Chen, Jun Guo, Dong An*. Role of Copper in Disinfection Byproduct Formation Derived from Algal Organic Matter: Based on Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy Analysis. ACS ES&T Water. 2024. 4, 198-207.

  2. Jun Guo, Dong An*, Yue Hu, Yunkun Qian, Jiaxin Ma, Yijun Shi, Jiaxiu Song, Chao Liu. Development of a new combination of spectroscopic analysis and mathematical model for the enhanced sludge dewaterability: Application to tannic acid effect. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2024. 482, 148833.

  3. Yue Hu, Jun Guo, Dong An*, Yunkun Qian, Jie Chen, Zhanghua Zhou. Phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge via Mg-air battery system. Science of The Total Environment. 2024. 926, 171805.

  4. Rui Yu, Yunkun Qian*, Yanan Chen , Yijun Shi, Jun Guo, Dong An*. Computational-aided analysis of the pathway and mechanism of dichloroacetonitrile formation from phenylalanine upon chloramination. Science of The Total Environment. 2024. 926, 171995. 


  1. Yijun Shi, Yunkun Qian, Jun Guo, Mengjun Mao, Dong An*. A novel approach for water disinfection by enhanced photoanode oxidation using in-situ generated hydrogen peroxide. Journal of Cleaner Production. 416 (2023), 138001

  2. Yijun Shi, Jiaxin Ma, David Hanigan, Yanan Chen, Yunkun Qian, Jun Guo, Dong An*. Magnetically recoverable Fe3O4/MoS2/BiOI microspheres for visible light water disinfection: molecular mechanism and transcriptomic insights. Separation and Purification Technology. 320 (2023), 124140.

  3. Xinyi Wang, Yunkun Qian, Yanan Chen, Fan Liu, Dong An*, Guodong Yang, Ruihua Dai. Application of fluorescence spectra and molecular weight analysis in the identification of algal organic matter-based disinfection by-product precursors. Science of the Total Environment. 882 (2023), 163589.

  4. Jiaxin Ma, Yijun Shi, Dong An*, Yanan Chen, Jun Guo, Yunkun Qian, Sheng Wang, Jinrong Lu. Inactivation mechanism of E. coli in water by enhanced photocatalysis under visible light irradiation. Science of the Total Environment. 866 (2023), 161450.

  5. Yunkun Qian, Yijun Shi, Jun Guo, Yanan Chen, David Hanigan, Dong An∗. Molecular characterization of disinfection byproduct precursors in filter backwash water from 10 drinking water treatment plants. Science of the Total Environment. 856 (2023), 159027.


  1. Yunkun Qian, Yijun Shi, Jun Guo, Yanan Chen, David Hanigan, Dong An∗. Molecular characterization of disinfection byproduct precursors in filter backwash water from 10 drinking water treatment plants. Environmental Science & Technology. 2022

  2. Yunkun Qian, Yijun Shi, Jun Guo, David Hanigan, Dong An∗. Molecular characteristics of DBP precursors and transformation of NOM during chlorination in filter backwash water. Journal of cleaner production. 2022

  3. Miao Li, Yijun Shi, Sainan Sun, Yunkun Qian, Dong An∗. Degradation pathways and kinetics of chloroacetonitriles by UV/persulfate in the presence of bromide. Science of the Total Environment. 2022

  4. Yanan Chen, Yunkun Qian, Jiaxin Ma, Mengjun Mao, Linping Qian, Dong An*. New insights into the cooperative adsorption behavior of Cr(VI) and humic acid in water by powdered activated carbon. Science of the Total Environment. 2022(817):153081

  5. Yanan Chen, Dong An*. Accumulation of chiral pharmaceuticals (ofloxacin or levofloxacin) onto polyethylene microplastics from aqueous solutions. Science of the Total Environment. 2022(804):153765

  6. Yunkun Qian, Yanan Chen, David Hanigan, Yijun Shi, Sainan Sun, Yue Hu, Dong An*. pH adjustment improves the removal of disinfection byproduct precursors from sedimentation sludge water. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. 2022(179):106135

  7. Yijun Shi, Jiaxin Ma, Yanan Chen, Yunkun Qian, Bin Xu, Wenhai Chu, Dong An*. Recent progress of silver-containing photocatalysts for water disinfection under visible light irradiation: A review. Science of the Total Environment. 2022(804):150024


  1. Yunkun Qian, Dong An*. Formation and Control of C- and N-DBPs during Disinfection of Filter Backwash and Sedimentation Sludge Water in Drinking Water Treatment. Water Research, 2021(194):116964

  2. Tingting Jiang, Dong An*. Microbial diversity characteristics and the influence of environmental factors in a large drinking-water source. Science of the Total Environment. 2021(775):145952

  3. Yue Hu, Dong An*. Characteristics of trihalomethane and haloacetic acid precursors in filter backwash and sedimentation sludge waters during drinking water treatment. Science of the Total Environment, 2021 (769):144698

  4. 胡翠玲,徐婕,沈国妹,史雨,柳龚堡,葛小玲,安东,翟晓文. 上海市空气污染物与儿童呼吸系统疾病门诊量的时间序列研究. 《环境与职业医学》, 2021,38(1):23-29

  5. 朱宜平,安东. 上海某水库水源水中微生物多样性表征初探. 《复旦学报(自然科学版)》, 2021,61(1)


  1. Yunkun Qian; Yue Hu; Yanan Chen; Dong An*; Paul Westerhoff; David Hanigan; Wenhai Chu. Haloacetonitriles and Haloacetamides Precursors in Filter Backwash and Sedimentation Sludge during Drinking Water Treatment. Water Research. 2020

  2. Sainan Sun, Tingting Jiang, Yujin Lin, Jiaxiu Song, Yuanyuan Zheng, Dong An. Characteristics of organic pollutants in source water and purification evaluations in drinking water treatment plants. Science of the Total Environment. 2020, (73):168-179

  3. Dawei Zhang, Bo Dai, Dong An, Lijun Zhu, Lulu Zheng. EGFR Inhibitors Regulate Ca2+ Concentration and Apoptosis after PM2.5 Exposure Based on a Lung-mimic Microfluidic System. Science of the Total Environment. 2020

  4. Boji Wang, Lanlan Lu, Yao Zhang, Keyu Fang, Dong An, HongjingLi.Removal of bisphenol A by waste zero-valent iron regulating microbial community in sequencing batch biofilm reactor. Science of the Total Environment. 2020,(753):142073

  5. Ran Jiang, Jian-Gong Wang, Ting Zhu, Bin Zou, Dan-Qi Wang, Sung-Keun Rhee, Dong An, Zhi-Yuan Ji, and Zhe-Xue Quan. Quantification of Complete Ammonia Oxidizing (Comammox) Bacteria Clades and Strict Nitrite Oxidizers in Nitrospira Using Newly Designed Primers. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2020


  1. Dong An*, Yanan Chen, Bin Gu, Paul Westerhoff. Lower Molecular Weight Fractions of PolyDADMAC Coagulants Disproportionately Contribute to N-nitrosodimethylamine Formation during Water Treatment. Water Research. 2019,(150) :466-472

  2. Ruihua Dai, Dong An*. Effects of Arginine on the Growth and Microcystin Production of Microcystis aeruginosa in Aquatic Environments. Science of the Total Environment. 2019,(651):706-712

  3. Jiaxiu song, Dong An*. The microbial community responsible for dechlorination and benzene ring opening during anaerobic degradation of trichlorophenol. Science of the Total Environment. 2019 (651): 1368-1376

  4. Lu LL; Wang BJ; Zhang Y; Xia LJ; Dong An; Li HJ. Identification and nitrogen removal characteristics of Thauera sp. FDN-01 and application in sequencing batch biofilm reactor. Science of the Total Environment. 2019 (690): 61-69


  1. Gang Luo, Yujin Lin, Dong An*. A novel concept for syngas biomethanation: selective conversion of syngas to acetate followed by biogas production. Science of the Total Environment. 2018 (645): 1194-1200

  2. Sainan Sun, Yanan Chen, Yujin Lin, Dong An*. Occurrence, spatial distribution, and seasonal variation of emerging trace organic pollutants in source water for Shanghai, China. Science of the Total Environment. 2018 (639) :1-7

  3. Yanan Chen, Dong An*, Sainan Sun. Reduction and Removal of Chromium VI in Water by Powdered Activated Carbon. Materials. 2018 (11):1-8

  4. Dong An*, Chengchen Guo, Yanan Chen. Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Mixtures Using Diffusion-Ordered NMR Spectroscopy and Adsorption by Powdered Activated Carbon and Biochar. Materials. 2018 (460):1-8


  1. Dong An*, Bin Gu, Sainan Sun. Relationship between THMs/NDMA formation potential and molecular weight of organic compounds for source and treated water in Shanghai, China. Science of the Total Environment. 2017 (605–606):1-8

  2. Xiaoyi Huang , Dong An*, Jiaxiu Song. Persulfate/ electrochemical/ FeCl2 system for the degradation of phenol adsorbed on granular activated carbon and adsorbent regeneration. Journal of cleaner production. 2017 (165):637-644

  3. Dong An*, Paul Westerhoff. UV-activated Persulfate Oxidation and Regeneration of NOM-Saturated Granular Activated Carbon. Water Research. 2017 (4):304-310


  1. 一种用于苯酚吸附饱和活性炭再生的过硫酸盐复合溶液及其配制方法和应用。发明人

  2. 一种原位再生三氯甲烷吸附饱和活性炭的方法。发明人

  3. 过硫酸盐原位再生吸附饱和活性炭的方法。发明人

  4. 用于去除污染水体中磷的污泥颗粒的制备方法及其产品。发明人

  5. 一种快速测定水溶液中过硫酸钠浓度的方法。发明人

  6. 强化有机物和致病微生物去除的给水厂反冲洗水回用系统。发明人

  7. 强化污染物去除的给水厂排泥水回用系统。发明人

  8. 一种给水厂炭砂滤池组合。发明人

  9. 一种给水厂反冲洗废水处理回用系统。发明人






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