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  • 1988年进入华东师范大学环境科学系

  • 1992年考入同校地理系攻读硕士学位

  • 1994年提前攻读博士学位

  • 1997年获理学博士学位


  • 1997年进入复旦大学BET体育365投注官网从事教学、科研工作。

  • 1999年2月至9月,作为访问学者在香港中文大学环境研究中心从事合作研究,参与的课题为'基于GIS的高密度城市噪声预测、规划系统'。

  • 2000年1月,参加中国环境青年学者代表团赴日本作短期访问。

  • 2004年2-5月,香港中文大学联合书院访问学者。


  • 大气环境、环境信息系统与环境大数据、全球变化与城市气候、温室气体排放与大气污染物排放协同控制


  • 大气环境科学、环境信息系统、环境规划与评价、战略环境评价、温室气体排放核算



  • 《环境信息系统》


  • 《环境评价》



  1. 战略环境评价的框架体系及计算机集成信息支持系统研究(批准号:70103003)(国家自然科学基金青年基金;2002年1月-2004年12月),项目主持人。

  2. 城市综合交通规划大气环境影响评价的技术方法(上海市科委科技攻关计划;2003年12月-2005年12月),主要参加者。

  3. 浦东新区国民经济和社会发展战略环境影响评价研究--评价指标体系和综合评价信息支持系统专题研究(2007年8月-2009年12月),主要参加者。

  4. 大气污染物干湿沉降模式研究(编号:2008AA06Z401;国家863专题计划《长江口青草沙水库型水源地多目标饮用水水源水质管理技术研究》子课题)(国家资源环境技术领域863子课题;2008年10月-2010年12月),子课题负责人。

  5. 大气污染事故风险场模拟及预测系统(编号:2007AA06A401;国家863重大项目《特大城市重大环境污染事件应急技术综合示范》子课题)(国家资源环境技术领域863子课题;2007年12月-2010年12月),子课题第二负责人。

  6. 海西区重点产业发展的资源环境压力分析(环保部专项《区域和行业重大发展战略环境评价》分项目“海峡西岸经济区重点产业发展战略环境评价”子课题)(环保部、上海市环科院;2010年7月-2012年3月),主要参加者。

  7. 吴淞工业区及周边地区灰霾预报预警系统研发:专题5:宝山区大气灰霾预测、预警、预报技术方法及控制对策研究(上海市宝山区环保局;2010年5月-2014年11月),专题负责人。

  8. 上海市2010年半导体,电力设备,氢氟生产过程温室气体排放清单编制(上海环境能源交易所股份有限公司;2012年3月-2012年8月),项目负责人。

  9. 洋山保税港区(陆域)范围规划环境影响评价(上海综合保税区管委会;2012年9月-2013年8月),项目负责人。

  10. 区域规划环境影响评价的空间尺度效应研究——以城市土地利用规划环境评价为例(批准号:71173049)(国家自然科学基金面上基金;2012年1月-2015年12月),项目主持人。

  11. 战略环境评价(SEA)中碳排放核算的理论框架与技术方法体系- - 以城市尺度国民经济与社会发展规划SEA 为例(批准号:41271509)(国家自然科学基金面上基金;2013年1月-2016年12月),项目主持人。

  12. 基于环境功能区划的环境管理及技术要点研究(环保部环境规划院;2013年9月-2014年6月),项目主持人。

  13. 东营港经济开发区应急监管平台大气扩散模块开发与技术咨询(上海工业自动化仪表研究院;2014年2月-12月),项目主持人。

  14. 中国城市尺度典型行业局域大气污染物和温室气体排放的耦合机理、 核算体系与实证研究(批准号:71673051)(国家自然科学基金面上基金;2016年1月-2020年12月),项目主持人。

  15. “双碳”目标下上海市重点产业温室气体与大气污染物协同管控的路径分析(编号:沪环科[2022]第8号;上海市生态环境局,2022年6月-2023年10月),项目核心成员

  16. 基于生态环境分区管控的产业园区大气污染限值限量管理研究(沪环科[2023]第5号;上海市生态环境局,2023年5月-2024年5月),项目核心成员

  17. 重点区域减污降碳协同路径优化与实现机制研究(国家自然科学基金专项,批准号:72243008)专题:减污降碳协同政策仿真与实施策略研究(2023年1月至2025年12月),专题负责人



  1. 马蔚纯,林健枝,沈家等. 高密度城市交通噪声的典型分布及其在战略环境评价(SEA)中的应用,《环境科学学报》,Vol.22(4), 2002年7月,514-518.

  2. 罗上华,马蔚纯*等. 城市环境保护规划与生态建设指标体系实证.《生态学报》,Vol.23(1), 2003年,45-55.

  3. 郭红连,黄懿瑜,马蔚纯*等. 战略环境评价(SEA)的指标体系.《复旦学报(自然科学版)》,Vol.42(3),2003年3月,468-475.

  4. 李菁,马蔚纯*,余琦. 战略环境评价的方法体系探讨.《上海环境科学》,Vol.22(增刊),2003年,114-118,123,197.

  5. 李建忠,马蔚纯*,余琦,陈立民. 实施战略环境评价(SEA)的基本框架设计及SEA管理模式的实现. 《环境科学学报》,Vol.23(6),2003年11月,770-775.

  6. 朱俊、张利鸣、马蔚纯*. 辽宁营口港总体规划环境评价实践.《中国环境科学》,Vol.26(5) ,2006年,618-622.

  7. Ma Weichun, Tu Wei, et al. Strategic Environmental Assessment on the Shanghai Land Use Master Plan: A System Dynamic Approach. Asian Geographer 25(1-2): 145-171 (2006)

  8. 吴晓璐, 余琦, 马蔚纯*. 环境空气质量数值模拟及其在上海道路交通规划环境评价中的应用. 《复旦学报(自然科学版)》,Vol.46(3),2007年,348-355.

  9. 韩会娟,马蔚纯*,朱俊,余琦. 省域公路网规划大气环境评价方法研究.《复旦学报(自然科学版)》,Vol.47(4),2008年4月,441-448.

  10. 曹爱丽, 张浩, 张艳, 马蔚纯*. 上海近50年气温变化与城市化发展的关系. 《地球物理学报》,51(6),  2008年,1663-1669.

  11. Ma Weichun, Wang Xuan, Zhang Yan, Yu Qi. The Application of Expert System to the Screening of Atmospheric Environmental Impact from Comprehensive Road Traffic Planning in Shanghai  (EI; DOI: 10.1109/FSKD.2008.482). Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2008, v 4, 2008, p 636-642.

  12. 浦静姣, 张艳, 余琦, 伏晴艳, 马蔚纯*. 上海地区O3与NO2时空特征数值模拟个例研究. 《中国环境科学》,Vol.29(5), 2009年,461-468.

  13. Q. Yu, Y. Zhang, X. Wang, W.C. Ma*, L.M. Chen. Safety distance assessment of industrial toxic releases based on frequency and consequence A case study in Shanghai, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 168: 955-961.

  14. Y. Zhang, Q. Yu, W. Ma*, and L. Chen. Atmospheric deposition of inorganic nitrogen to the eastern China seas and its implications to marine biogeochemistry. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 115, D00K10, doi:10.1029/2009JD012814, 2010.

  15. 赵倩, 张艳, 余琦, 吴晓璐, 马蔚纯*. 基于情景分析的上海浦东外高桥功能区总体规划大气环境评价. 《复旦学报(自然科学版)》,Vol. 49(3), 2010年,331-339+344.

  16. 张艳, 余琦, 伏晴艳, 马蔚纯*. 长江三角洲区域输送对上海市空气质量影响的特征分析. 《中国环境科学》,Vol.30(7), 2010年,914-923.

  17. 林燕芬, 陈蔚镇, 余琦, 张艳, 马蔚纯*. 上海城市拓展及其环境影响的模拟研究.《环境科学学报》,Vol.31(1),2011年1月,206-216.

  18. 陈命男, 张 浩, 唐靖寅, 陈蔚镇, 张 艳, 马蔚纯*.上海城市地表热环境多时期遥感研究. 《中国环境科学》,Vol.31(7), 2011年,1143~1151.

  19. Hao Zhang, Li-Guo Zhou, Ming-Nan Chen and Wei-Chun Ma*. Land Use Dynamics of the Fast-Growing Shanghai Metropolis, China (1979–2008) and its Implications for Land Use and Urban Planning Policy. Sensors 2011, 11, 1794-1809; doi:10.3390/s110201794.

  20. 周立国,马蔚纯*,顾万花,怀红燕. 基于清洁水体像元法的环境-1A卫星CCD水体图像大气校正.《光谱学与光谱分析》.Vol.31(8), 2011年,2238-2242. DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2011)08-2238-05.

  21. 唐靖寅, 余琦, 张艳, 马蔚纯*. 典型气象条件筛选及其在危险化学品事故泄漏大气污染预案管理中的应用. 《复旦学报(自然科学版)》,Vol.51(3),  2012年,357-362.

  22. 张艳,鲍文杰,余琦,马蔚纯*.超大城市热岛效应的季节变化特征及其年际差异. 《地球物理学报》,Vol.55(4), 2012年,doi: 10.6038/j.issn.0001 5733.2012.04.001, 1121-1128.

  23. Qi Yu, Yi Lu, Shan Xiao, Junxiu Shen, Xun Li, Weichun Ma*, Limin Chen. Commuters’ exposure to PM1 by common travel modes in Shanghai. Atmospheric Environment, 59 (2012), 39-46.

  24. Yan Zhang, Weichun Ma*, and Limin Chen. Influence of Rough Flow over Sea Surface on Dry Atmospheric Deposition Velocities. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., Vol. 24, No. 5, October 2013, 877-886, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2013.05.09.01(A).

  25. Liguo Zhou, Bo Xu, Weichun Ma*, Bin Zhao, Linna Li and Hongyan Huai. Evaluation of Hyperspectral Multi-Band Indices to Estimate Chlorophyll-A Concentration Using Field Spectral Measurements and Satellite Data in Dianshan Lake, China. Water,  2013, 5, 525-539; doi:10.3390/w5020525.

  26. Yue Wang, Kin-che Lam, Marie K. Harder, Wei-chun Ma*, Qi Yu. Developing an indicator system to foster sustainability in strategic planning in China: A case study of Pudong New Area, Shanghai. Ecological Indicators,29 (2013) 376–389.

  27. Hao Zhang, Zhi-fang Qi, Xin-yue Ye, Yuan-bin Cai, Wei-chun Ma*, Ming-nan Chen. Analysis of land use/land cover change, population shift, and their effects on spatiotemporal patterns of urban heat islands in metropolitan Shanghai, China. Applied Geography (SSCI). 44 (2013), 121-133.

  28. Wang Yansong, Ma Weichun*, Tu Wei, Zhao Qian, Yu Qi. A study on carbon emissions in Shanghai 2000-2008, China. Environmental Science & Policy. 27(2013) 151 – 161.

  29. 谈佳妮,余琦,马蔚纯*,马剑丽,程杰,张艳. 小尺度精细化大气污染源排放清单的建立—以上海宝山区为例.《环境科学学报》.Vol.34(5),2014年5月,1099-1108.

  30. Liguo Zhou, Dar A. Roberts, Weichun Ma*, Hao Zhang, Lin Tang. Estimation of higher chlorophylla concentrations using field spectral measurement and HJ-1A hyperspectral satellite data in Dianshan Lake, China. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 88 (2014), 41–47.

  31. MA Weichun,L Zhou,H Zhang,Y Zhang,X Dai*. Air temperature field distribution estimations over a Chinese mega-city using MODIS land surface temperature data: the case of Shanghai. Front. Earth Sci. 2016, 10(1):38-48

  32. Xianzhe LI, Ping JIANG, Yan ZHANG, Weichun MA*. Development of a stationary carbon emission inventory for Shanghai using pollution source census data. Front. Earth Sci. 2016:1-16. DOI 10.1007/s11707-016-0553-8

  33. Qianzhu Fan, Yan Zhang,* Weichun Ma et al. Spatial and Seasonal Dynamics of Ship Emissions over the Yangtze River Delta and East China Sea and Their Potential Environmental Influence. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2016, 50, 1322−1329,DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03965

  34. Xiaoyan Dai, Yuanqing Zhou*, Weichun Ma*, Liguo Zhou. Influence of spatial variation in land-use patterns and topography on water quality of the rivers inflowing to Fuxian Lake, a large deep lake in the plateau of southwestern China. Ecological Engineering 99 (2017) 417–428.

  35. Haijun Zhao, Weichun Ma*, Hongjia Dong and Ping Jiang. Analysis of Co-Effects on Air Pollutants and CO2 Emissions Generated by End-of-Pipe Measures of Pollution Control in China’s Coal-Fired Power Plants. Sustainability 2017, 9, 499

  36. Haijun Zhao, Ping Jiang, Qi Yu, Yan Zhang, Weichun Ma*. A comprehensive enterprise classification approach based on three indicators of emissions, efficiency and location. Journal of Cleaner Production 175 (2018) 489-500.

  37. 杜莉丽、蒋平、余琦、马蔚纯. 城市国民经济与社会发展规划碳排放评估综合指标体系构建与应用——以上海市为例. 生态经济. 2018年02期.

  38. Lili Du, Xianzhe Li, Haijun Zhao, Weichun Ma* , Ping Jiang**. System dynamic modeling of urban carbon emissions based on the regional National Economy and Social Development Plan: A case study of Shanghai city. Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 1501-1513.

  39. Hao Wu, Yan Zhang, Qi Yu, and Weichun Ma*. Application of an integrated Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)/CALPUFF modeling tool for source apportionment of atmospheric pollutants for air quality management: A case study in the urban area of Benxi, China. JOURNAL OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION. 2018, VOL. 68, NO.4, 347–368.

  40. Xinrui Chen, Yan Zhang, Yue Wang, Qi Yu, Weichun Ma*. The Spatial-Scale Effect of an Atmospheric Environmental Impact Assessment in Regional Strategic Environmental Assessment (R-SEA). Environmental Modeling & Assessment https://doi.org/10.1007/s10666-018-9590-x

  41. He, C., Ma, L., Zhou, L , Kan, H. D. , Zhang, Y. , &  Ma, W. C. , et al. (2019). Exploring the mechanisms of heat wave vulnerability at the urban scale based on the application of big data and artificial societies. Environment international, 127, 573.

  42. Cheng He, Weichun Ma*. Spatial assessment of urban climate change vulnerability during different urbanization phases. Sustainability. Volume 11, Issue 8, 2019, PP 2406-2406

  43. Cheng He, Weichun Ma*. Exploring the Influence Mechanism of Meteorological Conditions on the Concentration of Suspended Solids and Chlorophyll-a in Large Estuaries Based on MODIS Imagery. Water. Volume 11, Issue 2, 2019, PP 375

  44. Jian Wang, Weichun Ma*,Yan Zhang*. Simulating the Effects of Urban Parameterizations on the Passage of a Cold Front During a Pollution Episode in Megacity Shanghai. Atmosphere. Volume 10, Issue 2, 2019, PP 79

  45. Ruoting Luo, Yan Zhang*, Weichun Ma*. Investigating the Influence of the Implementation of an Energy Development Plan on Air Quality Using WRF-CAMx Modeling Tools: A Case Study of Shandong Province in China. Atmosphere. Volume 10, Issue 11, 2019

  46. He, C., Zhao, J., Zhang, Y., He, L., Yao, Y., Ma, W.*, & Kinney, P. L*. Cool Roof and Green Roof Adoption in a Metropolitan Area: Climate Impacts during Summer and Winter. 2020, Environmental Science & Technology, 54(17), 10831-10839.

  47. He, C., He, L., Zhang, Y., Kinney, P. L. *, & Ma, W.*. Potential impacts of cool and green roofs on temperature-related mortality in the Greater Boston region. 2020, Environmental Research Letters, 15(9), 094042.

  48. He, C., Zhou, L., Yao, Y., Ma, W. *, & Kinney, P. L*. Estimating temporal-spatial effects of anthropogenic heat emissions upon the urban thermal environment in an urban agglomeration area in East China, Sustainable Cities and Society, 57(2020)102046

  49. Shubin Bai, Yuanqiao Wen, Li He, Yiming Liu, Yan Zhang, Qi Yu,* and Weichun Ma*. Single-Vessel Plume Dispersion Simulation: Method and a Case Study Using CALPUFF in the Yantian Port Area, Shenzhen (China), Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 7831

  50. Jiajia Wang, Xiaoman Lu, Yingting Yan, Liguo Zhou*, Weichun Ma*. Spatiotemporal characteristics of PM2.5 concentration in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, China on the application of big data and wavelet analysis. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 724, 1 July 2020, 138134 : 1-14.

  51. Tang Haoyue; Jiang Ping*; He Jia; Ma Wweichun*. Synergies of Cutting Air Pollutants and CO2 Emissions by the End-of-Pipe Treatment Facilities in a Typical Chinese Integrated Steel Plant. Sustainability 2020, 12, 5157.

  52. Cheng He, Liguo Zhou, Youru Yao, Weichun Ma*, Patrick L. Kinney*. Cooling effect of urban trees and its spatiotemporal characteristics: A comparative study. 2021, Building and Environment,204,108103.

  53. Jiajia Wang, Li He, Xiaoman Lu, Liguo Zhou*, Haoyue Tang, Yingting Yan, Weichun Ma**.  A full-coverage estimation of PM2.5 concentrations using a hybrid XGBoost-WD model and WRF-simulated meteorological fields in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration, China. 2022, Environmental Research, 203,111799.

  54. Li He, Jiajia Wang, Yiming Liu, Yan Zhang, Cheng He, Qi Yu**, Weichun Ma*. Selection of onshore sites based on monitoring possibility evaluation of exhausts from individual ships for Yantian Port, China. 2021, Atmospheric Environment, 247,118187.

  55. Du L., Zhao H., Tang H., Jiang P.*, Ma W.*. Analysis of the synergistic effects of air pollutant emission reduction and carbon emissions at coal‐fired power plants in china. 2021, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 40:e13630.

  56. Li He, Huiyu Jin, Jiajia Wang, Jian Li, Qi Yu*, and Weichun Ma*. Zero-impact emission limits of enterprise-scale air pollutants—a case study of a typical petrochemical enterprise in Shanghai Chemical Industry Park. 2021, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 72:1, 98-115.

  57. Cheng He, Yuqiang Zhang, Alexandra Schneider, Renjie Chen, Yan Zhang, Weichun Ma*, Patrick L. Kinney* & Haidong Kan*. The inequality labor loss risk from future urban warming and adaptation strategies. 2022, Nature Communications, 13:3847.

  58. Huiyu Jin, Wanqi Chen, Zhenghong Zhao, Jiajia Wang and Weichun Ma*. New Framework for Dynamic Water Environmental Capacity Estimation Integrating the Hydro-Environmental Model and Load–Duration Curve Method—A Case Study in Data-Scarce Luanhe River Basin. 2022, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 19, 8389.

  59. Wanqi Chen, Haoyue Tang, Li He, Yan Zhang, Weichun Ma*. Co-effect assessment on regional air quality: A perspective of policies and measures with greenhouse gas reduction potential. Science of the Total Environment 851 (2022) 158119.

  60. Wu, N.; Bao, C.*; Ma, W.* Consistency between Environmental Performance and Public Satisfaction and Their Planning Intervention Strategies: A Policy Text Analysis of Urban Environmental Planning. Sustainability 2023, 15, 4842. https:// doi.org/10.3390/su15064842.

  61. Chan, Y.; Tang, H.; Li, X.; Ma, W*.; Tang, W. Analysis of the Synergies of Cutting Air Pollutants and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in an Integrated Iron and Steel Enterprise in China. Sustainability 2023, 15, 13231.https://doi.org/10.3390/su151713231

  62. Xiaodong Yang, Qi Yu, Yan Zhang , Weichun Ma*. Occupational health risk assessment of construction workers caused by particulate matter exposure on construction sites. Heliyon 9 (2023) e20433. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e20433

  63. Li He, Yusen Duan, Yan Zhang, Qi Yu, Juntao Huo, Jia Chen, Huxiong Cui, Yuewu Li, Weichun Ma*. Effects of VOC emissions from chemical industrial parks on regional O3-PM2.5 compound pollution in the Yangtze River Delta. Science of the Total Environment 906 (2024) 167503. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167503

  64. Xiao Li, Huiyu Jin, Yatfei Chan, Hao Guo* , Weichun Ma*. Environmental impacts of graphene at industrial production scale and its application in electric heating technology. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 199 (2023) 107250. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2023.107250
  65. S.; He, L.; Chen, W.; Chen, S.; Ma, W*. Spatial and Temporal Distribution Characteristics of Ozone Concentration and Source Analysis during the COVID-19 Lockdown Period in Shanghai. Atmosphere 2023, 14, 1563. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos14101563.

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