




  • 1982年  复旦大学物理二系本科毕业后留校任教;

  • 1989年  国家公派赴日本东京大学留学;

  • 1995年  获(环境化学)理学博士,同年回国;

  • 1996年至2004年  任复旦大学BET体育365投注官网主任;

  • 1997年10月至1998年3月  受聘赴日本担任广岛大学客座教授;

  • 2000年10月至2003年7月  兼任上海市教委高教处处长 市学位办主任;

  • 2003年7月至2003年11月  兼任上海市教委副秘书长;

  • 2004年8月至2013年4月  兼任复旦大学上海视觉艺术学院校长;

  • 2003年11月至2017年5月  任复旦大学党委副书记;


  • 上海市环境科学学会副理事长。

  • 曾任上海市学位委员会委员,复旦大学学术委员会委员,教育部环境科学与工程教学指导委员会委员。


  • 专业方向为环境化学、大气环境,环境信息系统,环境与可持续发展,迄今负责并完成国家、地方和国际合作研究项目30余项,其中负责完成国家自然科学基金项目4项、上海市“曙光计划”项目1项,承担国家自然科学基金重大项目专项1项,负责大气环境国际合作项目3项。



  1. On the Ship Particle Number Emission Index: Size-Resolved Microphysics and Key Controlling Parameters. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, 2021,126, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD034427

  2. Simulating the impacts of ship emissions on coastal air quality: Importance of a high-resolution emission inventory relative to cruise- and land-based observations. Science of the Total Environment, 2020 728, 138454. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138454

  3. Evaluation and Potential Improvements of WRF/CMAQ in simulating multi-levels air pollution in Megacity Shanghai, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, DOI:10.1007/s00477-016-1342-3. 2017, 2513-2526.

  4. Spatial and seasonal dynamics of ship emissions over the Yangtze River Delta and East China Sea and their potential environmental influence. Environmental Science & Technology,. 2016, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03965 [J].

  5. Impact of spatial resolution on air quality simulation: A case study in a highly industrialized area in Shanghai, China. Atmospheric Pollution Research. , 2015(6), 322-333 .

  6. Influence of Rough Flow over Sea Surface on Dry Atmospheric Deposition Velocities. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., Vol. 24, No. 5, October 2013, 877-886, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2013.05.09.01(A).

  7. 7.Commuters’ exposure to PM1 by common travel modes in Shanghai. Atmospheric Environment, 59 (2012), 39-46.

  8. Particulate matter and particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Dapu road tunnel in Shanghai .International Journal of Environment and Pollution,v41(2010),Issue:1-2 ,Pages:21-37.

  9. The Influence of Continental Outflows on the Marine Aerosol over Yangshan Isle in the East China Sea: One Episode with Heavy Air Pollution. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences,v21(2010),Issue:6 ,939-953.

  10. Atmospheric deposition of inorganic nitrogen over the eastern China seas and its implication to marine biogeochemistry. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere,v115(2010)

  11. Safety distance assessment of industrial toxic releases based on frequency and consequence A case study in Shanghai, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials,v168(2009), Issue: 2-3,Pages: 955-961.

  12. Indoor air pollution from solid biomass fuels combustion in rural agricultural area of Tibet, China. Indoor Air,v19(2009),Issue: 3, Pages: 198-205.

  13. Health effects engineering-Perspectives for environmental health and environmental engineering studies—domestic biomass combustion as an example. Energy Policy,v35 (2007),Issue:3, Pages: 1433-1438.

  14. Using sub-grid scale method to quantify atmospheric deposition of sulfur in East China. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, 18(5):1051~1065.

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