






  • 1999.10 – 2003.10,香港大学土木及结构工程系环境研究中心博士后研究员(Postdoctoral Fellow)

  • 1987.09 – 1990.12,同济大学环境学院环境工程专业,博士

  • 1984.09 – 1987.06,同济大学环境学院环境工程专业,硕士

  • 1980.09 – 1984.07,同济大学环境学院给水排水专业,学士


  • 2005.04 – 至今,复旦大学,BET体育365投注官网,教授/博导

  • 2003.01 – 2005.03,复旦大学,BET体育365投注官网,副教授

  • 1999.10 – 2002.10,香港大学,土木工程系环境研究中心,博士后研究员(Postdoctoral Fellow)

  • 1998.12 – 1999.09,香港大学,土木工程系环境研究中心,客座研究员

  • 1997.05 – 1998.12,华东理工大学,环境工程系,讲师,副教授,系副主任

  • 1994.03 – 1997.05,香港大学,土木工程系环境研究中心,客座研究员

  • 1990.12 – 1994.03,华东理工大学环境工程系,助教,讲师


  • 水污染控制


  • 水污染控制


  • 上海环境工程技术协会,常务理事;


  • 2020年4月2日,“秒级芬顿及铁泥全利用成套工业废水深度处理技术”,上海市技术发明二等奖,上海市人民政府,排名3。

  • 2012年,复旦大学优秀研究生导师


  • 本科生课程:

  • 《环境工程原理》、《环境工程基础》、《环境科学前沿》、《水污染控制工程》、《环境微生物》、《环境监测》、《水处理设计》

  • 研究生课程:

  • 硕士生课程:《工业水污染控制(全英文)》、《水处理理论与设计》、《水处理化学》、《污染控制》

  • 博士生课程:《工业废水处理(全英文)》《水处理技术前沿》、《城市水污染控制技术前沿》



  1. 2020/11 – 2024/11“催化臭氧深度处理颜料化工废水技术咨询”,南京铭宁水处理科技有限公司,项目负责人,项目经费:20 万元,正在进行。

  2. 2020/01 – 2023/12水热炭强化餐厨垃圾产甲烷及协同消减抗生素抗性基因的效能与微生物学机制,国家自然科学基金项目(31970117), 项目第二完成人,项目经费:59万元,正在进行。

  3. 2019/06 – 2023/06“催化臭氧深度处理印染废水技术咨询”,南京铭宁水处理科技有限公司,项目负责人,项目经费:30 万元,正在进行。

  4. 2017/11 – 2018/11 “催化臭氧深度处理制药废水技术咨询”,南京铭宁水处理科技有限公司,项目负责人,项目经费:20 万元,正在进行。

  5. 2016/03 – 2017/03 “家庭环境健康安全系统”,四川二十四城科技有限公司,项目负责人,项目经费:15 万元,完成。

  6. 2015/06 – 2018/06 “截流式综合排水体制下截流倍数(截流量)的优选研究”,福州市规划设计研究院项目,项目负责人,项目经费:36.4 万元,完成。

  7. 2014/8 – 2015/06 “铸造企业工业废水及治理措施”,中国铸造协会,项目负责人,项目经费:20 万元,完成。

  8. 2014/8 – 2015/06 “城市河道治理与长效防控的运行机制研究—生物技术在城市河道黑臭治理中应用研究”,杭州土木建筑学会,项目负责人,项目经费:4 万元,完成。

  9. 2014/03 – 2014/07 “铸造旧砂湿法再生水处理的研究”,临沂天阔铸造有限公司项目,项目负责人,项目经费:6 万元,完成。

  10. 2014/11 – 2015/12, “铸造旧砂再生与洗砂废水处理技术方案”,桂林鸿程矿山设备制造有限责任公司,项目负责人,项目经费:4 万元,完成。

  11. 2013/1 – 2016/06  “基于物联网的青草沙水库藻类检测预警平台研究”, 上海城投原水有限公司, 项目负责人,项目经费:80 万元,完成。

  12. 2013/01 – 2015/12  “污水处理环境功能材料研制及应用”,国家科技支撑计划课题(2013BAC01B01),550万,项目参加者,完成。

  13. 2012/10 – 2014/12 “长江来水中环境内分泌干扰物和持久性有机污染物监测分析”, 上海城投原水有限公司青草沙水库管理分公司项目, 项目负责人,项目经费:96 万元,完成。

  14. 2012/11 – 2013/12 “二水厂深度处理工艺有机污染物变化特性研究”, 上海市自来水闵行有限公司第二水厂, 项目负责人,项目经费:8 万元,完成。

  15. 2011/01 – 2013/12微污染原水溴代碘代消毒副产物形成机理,国家自然科学基金项目(51078091), 项目负责人,项目经费:36万元,完成。

  16. 2011/12 – 2014/12 “低碳技术生命周期评估体系及应用”,上海市科委重点项目“城市道路改扩建工程低碳化建设关键技术与评价指标研究”(11231202100)子课题,子课题经费:20 万元,完成。

  17. 2010/01 – 2012/12 饮用水溴代碘代消毒副产物形成机理研究,教育部博士点基金项目(20090071110005),项目负责人,项目经费:8.0 万元,完成。

  18. 2010/07 – 2012/03 “厌氧酸化对污泥特性的影响研究”,深圳市水务局,项目负责人,项目经费:9.5 万元,完成。

  19. 2009/01 – 2013/06 “我国城市水务产业发展基础调研”, 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项课题“城市水务产业发展及管理政策研究与示范”( 2009ZX07318-007)子课题(2009ZX07318-007-01),子课题项目负责人,子课题经费:55 万元,完成。

  20. 2009/08 – 2009/09 一种城市污水总氮深度处理的方法, 上海阳晨投资股份有限公司, 专利转让, 转让经费:10 万元,完成。

  21. 2009/05 – 2012/10 “污泥酸化液为低碳高氮城市污水生物脱氮提供有效碳源的可行性研究”,深圳市水污染治理指挥部办公室,项目负责人,项目经费:19.5 万元,完成。

  22. 2008/12 – 2013/06  “上海水源水处理消毒过程中健康风险控制技术”,国家高技术研究发展计划(863 计划)重点项目课题“饮用水消毒过程健康风险控制技术”(2008AA062501)子课题(2008AA062501-3),子课题项目负责人,子课题经费:50 万元,完成。

  23. 2008/09 – 2012/09 生物废弃物控制技术研究,生物废弃物风险识别、控制与管理技术研究,国家环保部环保公益性行业科研专项经费(200809024)子课题,子课题项目负责人,子课题经费:35 万元,完成。

  24. 2008/12 – 2011/12“国家高技术研究发展计划(863 计划)重点项目课题配套经费” (108019042)子课题项目负责人,上海市科委,子课题经费:5 万元,完成。

  25. 2011/01 – 2012/12 城市雨天入河污染调查,福州市规划设计研究院项目,项目负责人,项目经费:25 万元,完成。

  26. 2008/09 – 2012/12 城市排水体制研究,福建省建设厅科学技术项目,项目负责人,项目经费:15 万元,完成。

  27. 2008/05 -  2008/12  BMT系列新型药剂处理竹园第一污水处理厂污水的实验研究,上海友联竹园第一污水处理投资发展有限公司, 项目负责人,项目经费:40 万元,完成。

  28. 2008/06 -  2010/12  氨氮OH自由基氧化机理及电化学深度处理技术,污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室访问学者课题(PCRRV08001),项目负责人,项目经费:20 万元,,完成。

  29. 2007/09 -  2010/12  深圳布吉污水处理厂HYBAS工艺优化小试研究,深圳市水污染治理指挥部办公室 (项目编号:SZCG2007046206), 项目负责人,项目经费:40 万元,完成。

  30. 2007/04 -  2008/12  上海市生物废弃物收集处置技术与控制管理研究——高效实用的生物废弃物无害化处理技术研究,上海市环保局,上海市环境保护科学技术发展基金(06-01-35), 项目负责人,项目经费:15 万元,完成。

  31. 2006/05 -  2008/05  上海市部分区县“十一五”期间水污染物产生量与排放量现状及规划调研,上海市环保局,项目负责人,项目经费:9.2 万元,完成。

  32. 2006/05 -  2008/05  电化学除氨氮机理及氨氮的深度处理技术研究,污染控制与资源化国家重点实验室2006年开放课题(PCRRP06003), 项目负责人,项目经费:3 万元,完成。

  33. 2004/01 – 2006/12胞外聚合物形成机理及对反应器性能的影响,国家自然科学基金项目(20377010), 项目负责人,项目经费:20万元,完成。

  34. 2004/12 – 2005/12  上海市拟保留工业区(崇明、宝山)污水治理方案研究,上海市环保局, 项目负责人,项目经费:10万元,完成。

  35. 2004/06 – 2005/06  沉淀池流态的计算机模拟仿真研究,上海友联竹园第一污水处理投资发展有限公司, 项目负责人,完成。

  36. 2003/07 – 2006/12膨胀厌氧颗粒化污泥床工艺技术研究,国家“863”计划课题(2003AA601020)子课题,子课题项目负责人,项目经费:110万元,完成。

  37. 2003/06 – 2003/09  上海友联竹园第一污水处理厂中试装置技术咨询,上海友联竹园第一污水处理厂, 项目负责人,完成。



  • 刘燕,李亮 编《环境工程原理》, 2018年10月第一版,2018年10月第一次印刷,2019年7月第二次印刷,2019年10月第三次印刷,科学出版社,北京,ISBN 9787030591852。


  1. Chen Y.L.,Cheng Y.Q., Guan X.H., Liu Y. , Nie J.X., Li C.X. (2019) “A Rapid Fenton treatment of bio-treated dyeing and finishing wastewater at second-scale intervals:kinetics by stopped-flow technique and application in a full-scale plant”, Nature:Scientific Reports, 2019, Vol.9, Article Number:9689, SCI, Impact factor:5.078, ISSN(online):2045-2322, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-45948-9, http://www.nature.com/scientificreports. (2019)

  2. Cheng Y.Q., Chen Y.L., Lu J.C., Nie J.X., Liu Y.  (2018) “Fenton treatment of bio-treated fermentation-based pharmaceutical wastewater: removal and conversion of organic pollutants as well as estimation of operational costs”, Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2018, , SCI, Impact factor:2.76, DOI:org/10.1007/s11356-018-1400-0.

  3. Wang S.B., Xu Z.R., Zhang W.Q., Fan Z.Q., Feng S.Q., Liu Y. (2017) “Effects of aggregate reuse for overpass reconstruction-extension projects on energy conservation and greenhouse gas reduction: A case study from Shanghai City”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 140: 1444-1453. Impact factor:5.6425.

  4. Peng H.Q., Liu Y. , Gao X.L., Wang H.W., Chen Y., Cai H.Y. (2017) “Calculation of intercepted runoff depth based on stormwater quality and environmental capacity of receiving waters for initial stormwater pollution management”, Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2017, 24:24681–24689, SCI, Impact factor:2.76, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-9800-0.

  5. Wu J., Ma L.M., Chen Y.L., Cheng Y.Q., Liu Y. , Zha X.S., (2016) “Catalytic ozonation of organic pollutants from bio-treated dyeing and finishing wastewater using recycled waste iron shavings as a catalyst: Removal and Pathways”, Water Research, 2016, vol.92, pp:140-148, SCI, Impact factor: 5.991, half life: 7.7, EI, ID : ISSN:0043-1354, Elsevier Press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2016.01.053

  6. Zha X.S., Ma L.M., Liu Y. , (2016) “Reductive dehalogenation of brominated disinfection byproducts by iron based bimetallic systems”, RSC Advance, 2016, 6, pp:16323-16330. SCI, Impact factor: 3.84, The Royal Society of Chemistry, ISSN : 2046-2069, DOI: 10.1039/c5ra26882f .

  7. Ying L.W., Liu Y. ,Dong W.B. , Yuan H.X., Ma L.M. (2016) “Effect of Bromide Ion on UV/H2O2 Oxidation of Alanine in Aqueous Solution”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, Vol. 285, pp. 172-179, SCI, Impact factor: 5.31 half life: 3.6 , ISSN : 1385-8947. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2015.10.018.

  8. Peng H.Q., Liu Y., Wang H.W., Gao X.L., Ma L.M. (2016) “Event mean concentration and first flush effect from different drainage systems and functional areas during storms” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016,23:5390–5398 SCI, Impact factor:2.757 half  life: 4.7, ISSN : 0944-1344.  DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-5657-2

  9. Peng H.Q., Liu Y., Wang H.W., Gao X.L., Chen Y., Ma L.M.  (2016) “Urban stormwater forecasting model and drainage optimization based on water environmental capacity”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 75:1094,SCI, Impact factor:2.757 half life: 4.7, ISSN : 0944-1344. DOI 10.1007/s12665-016-5824-x

  10. Zha X.S., Ma L.M., Wu J., Liu Y. , (2016) ”The removal of organic precursors of DBPs during three advanced water treatment processes including ultrafiltration, biofiltration, and ozonation”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, vol. 23,pp:16.SCI,Impact factor:2.76, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-6643-z, ISSN: 0944-1344

  11. Han J.C., Gao X.L., Cai X., Wang H.W., Chen Y., He L.S.X., Liu Y. , (2016)” Evaluation for the contribution of different surface runoff to the pollution of wet weather flows in storm sewers”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2016, 57(53):25503-25508, SCI, Impact factor:1.272, DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2016.1151382, ISSN: 1944-3994

  12. Dai R.H., Yao C.C., Liu X., Liu Y. ,Yan Y.W., Wang Y.W.(2016)“The effects of continuous Cu(II) exposure compared with a shock dosage of Cu(II) on pollutant removal in activated sludge”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2016, 57(13):5842-5850, SCI, Impact factor:1.272, ISSN: 1944-3994

  13. Cai X., Han J.C.,  Li R., Zhang Y., Liu Y. , Liu X. , Dai R.H. (2016) “Effect of Several Factors on Pseudo-Kinetics in Chlorine Disinfection of Phage MS2”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2016, Vol.57, No., ,SCI, Impact factor: 1.272, half life:1.5., ISSN: 1944-3994. ID: 1002428, DOI:10.1080/19443994.2014.1002428

  14. Ying L.W., Dong W.B. , Yuan H.X.,Liu Y. , Ma L.M. (2015) “Effect of bromide ion on the reaction pathway between hydroxyl radical and glycine”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(11): 8507-8516, SCI, Impact factor:2.757 half  life: 4.7, ISSN : 0944-1344.  DOI: 10.1007/s11356-014-3995-0

  15. Yan Y.W. , Dai R.H. , Liu Y. ,, Gao J.Y.,  Wu X.H. (2015) “Comparative effects of inorganic and organic nitrogen on the growth and microcystin production of Microcystis aeruginosa”, World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2015, 31(5):763–772. SCI, Impact factor:1.353,DOI 10.1007/s11274-015-1829-y. ISSN: 0959-3993.

  16. Yan Y.W., Wang Y.W., Liu Y. , Liu X., Yao C.C,  Ma L.M. (2015) “Effect of continuously dosing Cu(II) on pollutant removal and soluble microbial products in a sequencing batch reactor”, Water Science & Technology, 2015, 72(9):1653-1661 , SCI, Impact factor:.1.212, EI, ID:, ISSN:0273-1223, DOI: 10.2166/wst.2015.385.

  17. Peng H.Q., Liu Y., Wang H.W., Ma L.M. (2015) “Assessment of the service performance of drainage system and transformation of pipeline network based on urban combined sewer system model”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, Vol. No. , SCI, Impact factor:2.757 half  life: 4.7, ISSN : 0944-1344.  DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-4707-0.

  18. Zhang Q., Liu B., Liu Y., Cai X., Liu X., Dai R.H. (2015) “Removal and inactivation of virus by drinking water treatment processes in the presence of bromide or iodide” [J]. Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology, 2015, 37(2): 96-101.

  19. Song A.A., Liu X. , Liu Y. , Lv L.H., Ma L.M. (2015) “Fate of organic pollutants in a full-scale drinking water treatment plant using O3-BAC”, Ozone: Science & Engineering, 2015,  37:257-268, SCI, Impact factor:, half  life: ISSN : 0191-9512. DOI:10.1080/01919512.2014.997867, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01919512.2014.997867.

  20. Dai R.H., Yao C.C., Liu X., Liu Y. , Yan Y.W,  Wang Y.W. (2015) “The effects of continuous Cu(II) exposure compared with a shock dosage of Cu(II) on pollutant removal in activated sludge”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2015, SCI, Impact factor:0.987, half life:1.5., ISSN: 1944-3994. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19443994.2015.1005152, DOI: 10.1080/ 19443994.2015.1005152

  21. Song A.A., Liu X. , Zhang Y., Liu Y.(2015), “Effect of Sodium Alginate on UVC Inactivation of Coliphage MS2”, RSC Advances , 2015, 5: 104779 - 104784, SCI, Impact factor: 3.840, ISSN : 2046-2069

  22. Sun Z., Li G.P., Wang C.W., Jing Y.H., Zhu Y.P., Zhang S.M., Liu Y. (2014) “Community dynamics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes in an estuary reservoir”, Nature:Scientific Reports, 2014, Vol.4, Article Number:6966, SCI, Impact factor:5.078, ISSN(online):2045-2322, DOI: 10.1038/srep06966 (2014), http://www.nature.com/scientificreports.


  23. Zha X.S., Liu Y. , Liu X., Zhang Q., Dai R.H., Ying L.W., Wu J., Wang J.T. (2014) “Effects of bromide and iodide ions on the formation of disinfection by-products during ozonation and subsequent chlorination of water containing biological source matters”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014, 21:2714–2723, SCI, Impact factor:2.757, half  life: 4.7, ISSN : 0944-1344.  DOI: 10.1007/s11356-013-2176-x.

  24. Cai X., Han J.C.,  Li R., Zhang Q., Liu Y. ,  Liu X. , Dai R.H. (2014) “Phage MS2 inactivation in pure and filtered water: effect of pseudo-kinetics and other factors”, Ozone: Science & Engineering, 2014, Vol.36, No., 86-93, SCI, Impact factor:0.954, EI, ID:20140917390978, ISSN : 0191-9512. . DOI: 10.1080/01919512.2013.836953

  25. Zhang Q., Liu B., Liu Y.(2014) “Effect of ozone on algal organic matters as precursors for disinfection by-products production”, Environmental Technology, 2014, Vol.35, No.14, 1753-1759, SCI, Impact factor: 1.197, half life: 10. ISSN: 0959-3330. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09593330.2014.881422 DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2014.881422

  26. Han J. C., Gao, X.L., Liu Y. , Wang H.W., Chen Y. (2014)  “Distributions and transport of typical contaminants in different urban stormwater runoff under the effect of drainage systems”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2014, Vol.52, No.7-9, page: 1455-1461,SCI, Impact factor:0.987, half life:1.5., ISSN: 1944-3994. doi: 10.1080/19443994.2013.785368

  27. Wei Y.Y., Liu Y. , Ma L.M., Wang H.W., Fan J.H., Liu X., Dai R.H. (2013) “Speciation and formation of iodinated trihalomethane from microbially derived organic matter during the biological treatment of micro-polluted source water”, Chemosphere, 2013, Vol.92, No.11,  1529-1535. SCI, Impact factor: 3.499, half  life:7.6, EI, ID: 20133116560896, ISSN: 0045-6535, Elsevier Press. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2013.04.019. (1 time of citation)

  28. Han J. C., Liu Y. , Liu X. , Zhang, Y., Yan, Y.W., Dai, R. H., Cha, X.S., Wang, C. S. (2013) “The effect of continuous Zn (II) exposure on the organic degradation capability and soluble microbial products (SMP) of activated sludge”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, Vol.244-245, No.1, 489-494, SCI, Impact factor:4.331, half  life: 3.0, EI, ID : 20130415943318,ISSN 0304-3894, Elsevier Press. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2012.10.065. (2 times of citation)

  29. Li L., Huang Y.X., Liu Y., Li Y.Y. (2013) “Electrolytic removal of ammonia from aqueous phase by Pt/Ti anode”, Water Science & Technology, 2013, Vol.67, No.11, 2451-2457, SCI, Impact factor:1.212. EI, ID: 20132516432404. ISSN:0273-1223, DOI: 10.2166/wst.2013.110.

  30. Lu H.W., Dai R.H, Liu Y. , Song A.A, Liu X. (2013) The effects of anaerobic fermentation on dehydrated sludge, Water Science & Technology, 2013, Vol.67 No.11, 2630-2636 , SCI, Impact factor:.1.212, EI, ID: 20132516432427, ISSN:0273-1223, DOI: 10.2166/wst.2013.189.

  31. Xu B., Liu Y. (2013) “Primary Evaluation of the Economic Losses Caused by Water Pollution in Shanghai by Classification Approach”, Archives of Environmental Protection. 2013, Volume 39, No.1, Pages 67–74, SCI, Impact factor:0.901, ISSN (Online) 2083-4810, ISSN (Print) 2083-4772, DOI: 10.2478/aep-2013-0006

  32. Han J. C., Liu X. , Yang N.Z., Ramsay J. A., Dai, R. H., Liu Y. , Jin W. (2012) “Bio-hazardous Wastewater Treatment by a Sequential Combination of Coagulation and Fenton Oxidation”, J. Environmental Engineeringg-ASCE,2012, Vol.138, No.1 , 74-80, SCI, Impact factor: 1.221, half life: 8.2. ISSN: 0733-9372. DOI:10.1061/ (ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000465. (1 time of citation)

  33. Zhang Q., Liu Y. , Wei Y. Y., Quan Z. X., Zhang Y., Dai R.H, Liu X. (2012) “Removal of viruses and disinfection by-products (DBPs) at two drinking water treatment plants in southern China”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2012, Vol.48, No.1-3, 221-231,SCI, Impact factor:0.987, half life:1.5., ISSN: 1944-3994. (1 time of citation)

  34. Cai X., Hong Z.J., Dai R.H. , Liu Y. , Liu X. (2012) “Effect of Nickel ions on the anaerobic methane production of water hyacinth”, Water Science & Technology, 2012, Vol.65 No.3 , 456-462, SCI, Impact factor:.1.212, EI, ID: 20120514732426, ISSN:0273-1223, doi: 10.2166/wst.2012.871.

  35. Li J., Liu Y. , Zhang T., Wang L., Liu X., Dai R H (2011) “Effect of Ni (II) on properties of bulking activated sludge and microbial analysis of sludge using 16S rDNA gene”, Bioresource Technology, 2011, Vol.102, No.4, 3783-3789, SCI, Impact factor: 5.039, EI, ID: 20110313606922, ISSN:0960-8524, DOI:  10.1016/j.biortech.2010.12.022, (2 times of citation)

  36. Dai R.H., Liu Y. , Liu X., Zhang X.D., Zeng C.Y., Li L.(2011) “Investigation of a sewage-integrated technology combining an expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) and an electrochemical reactor in a pilot-scale plant”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, Vol.192, No.3, 1161-1170, SCI, Impact factor:4.331, half  life: 3.0, EI, ID : 20113514272561 ,ISSN 0304-3894, Elsevier Press. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2011.06.028, (4 times of citation).

  37. Wei Y.Y., Liu Y. , Zhang Y., Dai R.H., Liu X., Wu J.J., Zhang Q. (2011) “Influence of Soluble Microbial Products (SMP) on Wastewater Disinfection Byproducts: Trihalomethanes and Haloacetic acids Species from the Chlorination of SMP”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2011, Vol.18, No.1, 46-50, SCI, Impact factor:2.757 half  life: 4.7, ISSN : 0944-1344. DOI:10.1007/s11356-010-0356-5, (11 times of citation).

  38. Li J., Liu X. , Liu Y. , Ramsay J. A., Wang Y.W., Yao C.C. (2011) “The effect of continuous exposure of copper on the properties and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) of bulking activated sludge”. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2011, Vol.18, No.,1567-1573 , SCI, Impact factor:2.757 half  life: 4.7, ISSN : 0944-1344. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-011-0492-6, (4 times of citation).

  39. Wei Y.Y., Liu Y. , Dai R.H., Liu X., Wu J.J., Shi Z., Ren J., Zhang Y. (2011) “Trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids species from the chlorination of algal organic matter and bromide”, Water Science & Technology,  2011, Vol.63, No.6,  1111-1120, SCI, Impact factor: 1.212, EI, ID: 20111913965303, half life: 8.3., ISSN:0273-1223, DOI: 10.2166/wst.2011.348. (2 times of citation).

  40. Han J. C., Liu X. , Yang N.Z., Ramsay J. A., Liu Y. , Jin W. (2011) “Treatment of bio-hazardous wastewater by Fenton oxidation combined with coagulation/flocculation pretreatment: a case study”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2011, Vol.20, No.6a, 1506-1512 , SCI, Impact factor: 0.527, half life: 4.6. ISSN: 1018-4619, Parlar Scientific Publications (PSP), Germany.

  41. Li J., Zhang T.*, Wang L., Liu Y. (2011) “Characterization and quantification of nickel resistant microbial community in activated sludge using 16S rRNA gene and nickel resistant gene as biomarkers”, Environmental Technology, 2011, Vol.32 , No.5, 533-542, SCI, Impact factor: 1.197, half life: 10. ISSN: 0959-3330.  (6 times of citation).

  42. Wang L., Liu Y. , Li J., Liu X., Dai R.H., Zhang Y., Zhang S.Y., Li J.R.(2010) “Effects of Ni2+ on the Characteristics of Bulking Activated Sludge”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, Vol.181, No.1-2, 460-467, , SCI, Impact factor: 4.331, half  life: 3.0, EI, ID : 20102913078612 ,ISSN 0304-3894, Elsevier Press , (10 times of citation).

  43. Liu X., Liu Y. , Huang Y.E., Chen J. M. (2010)“Evaluating standard conditions for measuring the hydrophobicity of activated sludge by bacterial adhesion to hydrocarbons (BATH)”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2010, Vol.19 , No.10,  2159-2163, SCI, Impact factor: 0.527, half life: 4.6. ISSN: 1018-4619, Parlar Scientific Publications (PSP), Germany.

  44. Li L., Liu Y.(2009) “Ammonia removal in electrochemical oxidation: Mechanism and pseudo-kinetics”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, Vol.161, No. 2-3, 1010-1016 SCI, Impact factor: 4.331, half  life: 3.0. EI, ID : 20084711731805, ISSN 0304-3894, Elsevier Press. (69 times of citation)

  45. Liu Y., Li L., GOEL R.(2009) “Kinetic study of electrolytic ammonia removal using Ti/IrO2 as anode under different experimental conditions”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, Vol.167, No.1-3 ,959-965 , SCI, Impact factor: 4.331, half life: 3.0, EI, ID : 20092712165027,ISSN 0304-3894, Elsevier Press. (24 times of citation)

  46. Huang L., Li L., Dong W., Liu Y.; Hou H. (2008) 'Removal of ammonia by OH radical in aqueous phase', Environmental Science & Technology, 2008, Vol.42, No.21, 8070-8075,SCI, Impact factor:4.630,half  life: 6.3,EI, ID : 20084611695951, ISSN :0013-936X, American Chemical Society. (28 times of citation)

  47. Ge L. Y., Deng H. H., Wang H. W., Ma L. M., Liu Y. (2007) “Comparison of extraction methods for quantifying extracellular polymers in activated sludge”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2007, Vol. 16, No.3, 299-303, SCI, Impact factor: 0.527, half life: 5.2. ISSN: 1018-4619, Parlar Scientific Publications (PSP), Germany. (7 times of citation)

  48. Fang H. H. P., Liang D.W., Zhang T., Liu Y. (2006) “Anaerobic treatment of phenol in wastewater under thermophilic condition”, Water Research, 2006, Vol.40, No.2, 427-434. SCI, Impact factor: 5.323, half  life: 7.7, EI, ID : 2006069685316 ISSN:0043-1354, Elsevier Press. (82 times of citation).

  49. Liu Y., Zhang T., Fang H. H. P. (2005) “Microbial community analysis and performance of a phosphate-removing activated sludge”, Bioresource Technology, 2005, Vol.96, No.11, 1205-1214. SCI, Impact factor: 5.039, half life:4.1. EI, ID: 2005118998012, ISSN: 0960-8524, Elsevier Press. (54 times of citation).

  50. Zhang T., Liu Y., Fang H. H. P. (2005) “Effect of pH change on the performance and microbial community of enhanced biological phosphate removal process”, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2005, Vol.92, No.2, 173-182, SCI, Impact factor: 4.164, half  life: 8.2, EI, ID: 2005489508001, ISSN:006-3592. (30 times of citation)

  51. Zhang T., Ke S. Z., Liu Y., Fang H. H. P. (2005) “Microbial characteristics of a methanogenic phenol-degrading sludge”, Water Science & Technology,  2005, Vol.52, No.1-2, 73-78, SCI, Impact factor: 1.212, half life: 8.3. EI, ID: 2005409393878, ISSN:0273-1223. (29 times of citation).

  52. Fang H. H. P., Liu Y., Ke S. Z., Zhang T. (2004) “Anaerobic degradation of phenol in wastewater at ambient temperature”, Water Science & Technology,  2004, Vol.49, No.1, 95-102. SCI, Impact factor:1.212, half life: 8.3. EI, ID: 2004098039540. ISSN:02731223. (37 times of citation).

  53. Liu Y. , Fang H. H. P. (30%) (2003) “Influence of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) on flocculation, settling and dewatering of activated sludge”, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2003, Vol.33, No.3, 237-273. SCI, Impact factor: 3.238, half life: 8.4. EI, ID: 2003347598144. ISSN: 1064-3389, CRC Press. (898 times of citation).

  54. Liu Y. , Ma L. M., Fang H. H. P., Gao T. Y., Xu Z. X., Wang Y. C., Jing Z. G. (2003) “Reuse of an aerobically treated wastewater effluent for the removal of SO2 in the flue gas”, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 2003, Vol.3, No.3, 101-107. SCI, Impact factor: 0.505,  EI, ID: 2003307560741. ISSN: 16069749, IWA Press. (5 times of citation)

  55. Wang H. W., Ma L. M., Fang H. H. P., Liu Y. , Zhao Q. X. (2003) “Use of intracellular polymer PHB and glycogen for denitrification in sequencing batch reactor (SBR)”, Water Intelligence Onlines,  2003, Vol.2, No.9, EI, ID Number : 20030908, ISSN:1476-1777, IWA Press.

  56. Fang H. H. P., Zhang T., Liu Y. (2002) “Characterization of an acetate-degrading sludge without intracellular accumulation of polyphosphate and glycogen”, Water Research, 2002, Vol.36, No.13, 3211-3218. SCI, Impact factor: 5.323, half  life: 6.5. EI, ID: 2002477217792. ISSN: 00431354, Elsevier Press Ltd.. (29 times of citation).

  57. Fang H. H. P., Liu Y. (2001) “Anaerobic wastewater treatment in (sub-)tropical regions”, In: Advances in Water and Wastewater Treatment Technology, Molecular Technology, Nutrient Removal, Sludge Reduction, and Environmental Health, edited by Matsuo, T., Hanaki, K., Takizawa, S., and Satoh, H., Elsevier Science B. V., , Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp.285-294. ISSN: 0-444-50563-6.

  58. Liu Y. , Lam, M. C., Fang H. H. P. (2001) “Adsorption of heavy metals by EPS of activated sludge”, Water Science & Technology, 2001, Vol.43, No.6, 59-66. SCI, Impact factor: 1.212, half life: 8.3. EI, ID: 2001266554430. ISSN:02731223. (86 times of citation).

  59. Ma L. M., Wang H. W., Liu Y. , Jing Z. G. (2001) “Performance of triple ditch: effects of duration and periodic operation programs”, Water Science & Technology, 2001, Vol.43, No.3, 77-84, SCI, Impact factor: 1.212, half life: 8.3. EI, ID: 2001196501133. ISSN:02731223.

  60. Fang H. H. P., and Liu Y. (2000) “Intracellular polymers in sludge of aerobic sequencing batch reactor”, J. Environmental Engineering-ASCE, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2000, Vol. 126, No.8, 732-738. SCI, Impact factor: 1.221, half life: 8.2. EI, ID: 2000085281970. ISSN: 0733-9372. (7 times of citation).

  61. Liu Y. , and Fang H. H. P. (1998) “Precipitates in anaerobic granules treating sulfate-laden wastewater”, Water Research, 1998, Vol.32, No.9, 2627-2632. SCI, Impact factor: 5.323, half  life: 6.5. EI, ID: 98114438779. ISSN: 00431354. (15 times of citation).

  62. Liu Y. , and Fang H. H. P. (1997) “Effects of molybdate on sulfate reduction and benzoate degradation”, J. Environmental Engineeringg-ASCE, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1997, Vol.123, No.9, 949-953, SCI, Impact factor: 1.221, half life: 8.2. ISSN: 0733-9372. (2 times of citation).

  63. Fang H. H. P., Liu Y. , Chen T. (1997) “Effects of sulfate on anaerobic degradation of benzoate in UASB reactors”, J. Environmental Engineeringg-ASCE, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1997, Vol. 123, No.4, 320-328, SCI, Impact factor: 1.221, half life: 8.2. ISSN: 0733-9372. (25 times of citation).

  64. Fang H. H. P., Liu Y. (1995) “X-ray analysis of anaerobic granules”, Biotechnology Techniques, 1995, Vol. 9, No. 7, 513-518, SCI, Impact factor: 0.557, half  life: 4.2. (7 times of citation).

  65. 张强,刘 燕 (2015)“藻有机物的消毒副产物生成特性研究”,复旦大学学报(自然科学版),2015, , ISSN: 0427-7104,复旦大学出版社.

  66. 张强, 刘燕, 张金辉, 余瑾, 蔡璇. 采用不同消毒技术去除饮用水中病毒的工艺研究[J]. 北京联合大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 29(1): 26-34.

  67. 张强,刘彬,查晓松,刘 燕 (2014) “饮用水含氮消毒副产物NDMA 生成机理及分析技术研究”, 西南给水排水,2014,36(6):12-15.

  68. 王绍祥, 杨洲祥, 孙真, 刘 燕 , 汪成伟, 荆毓航 (2014) “高通量测序技术在水环境微生物群落多样性中的应用”, 化学通报. 2014, 77(3):196-203.

  69. 刘溪 , 严向军 , 汪成伟 , 高越 , 娄文浩, 刘 燕 (2014) “城市黑臭河道快速处理技术研究”, 科技纵览:地理与环境科学版, 2014, 23(12): 208-212. ISSN:2095-4409,CN:10-1080/N. 中国科学技术文献出版社.

  70. 汉京超, 王红武, 刘燕, 马鲁铭, 胡坚 (2014) “城市合流制管道溢流污染削减措施的优化选择”, 中国给水排水, 2014, 22, ISSN:1000-4602,CN:12-1073/TU. 《中国给水排水》杂志社.

  71. 汉京超, 王红武,马鲁铭, 刘燕, 胡坚 (2013) “城市雨水径流污染总量核算”, 复旦大学学报(自然科学版),2013, 12(6): 811-816 , ISSN: 0427-7104,复旦大学出版社.

  72. 汉京超, 刘 燕,高学珑, 王红武 (2013) “物联网在城市雨洪智能管理中的应用分析”,复旦大学学报(自然科学版),2013, 52(1):49-54, ISSN: 0427-7104,复旦大学出版社.

  73. 刘明,刘燕,石亚,应力文, 刘平养,戴星翼,汉京超  (2013) “浅议水排污权交易制度设计和发展”, 中国环保产业, 2013,No.1, 34-37, ISSN: 1006-5377.

  74. 应力文,刘 燕,戴星翼,刘平养,刘明,石亚 (2013) “国内外流域管理与监管模式综述”,中国人口·资源与环境,2013, 23(5):379-383.

  75. 查晓松,刘 燕,张强,代瑞华,刘翔 (2013)“氯化消毒氨基酸过程中消毒副产物生  成的研究进展”,环境工程,2013, Vol.31,pp:1-5.

  76. 蔡璇, 刘燕, 张云, 刘翔(2012). 核事故产生的放射性废水处理方法研究进展. 化学通报. 2012, 75(6):483-488.

  77. 蔡璇,张云,李然,刘 燕,代瑞华,刘翔 (2012) “饮用水紫外线消毒研究进展”,中国公共卫生.2012.28(4):562-564, ISSN: 1001-0580,中国公共卫生杂志社.

  78. 李佳 董骁 戴星翼 王芳芳, 刘燕(2012)“我国城镇污水处理厂水质监管问题及对策研究” . 中国环保产业, 2012,3:20-24. ISSN: 1006-5377

  79. 王令,刘翔,姚毅,陈雯,杨波,柯孟岳,代瑞华,刘燕 (2012). A/O工艺结合化学沉淀法处理城市河道水的研究.环境科学与技术.2012,35(2):118-122  )

  80. 汉京超, 刘燕, 高学珑, 陈奕, 王红武, 马鲁铭.(2012)国内外农村雨水调蓄利用进展综述. 中国农村水利水电,2012,1:98-101.

  81. 汉京超, 刘燕, 高学珑, 王红武, 郑宇国, 陈奕(2012). 南平市中心城区排水体制的选择和完善. 中国给水排水. 2012, 28(18):27-29, 34. ISSN:1000-4602,CN:12-1073/TU. 《中国给水排水》杂志社.

  82. 陆颢文, 代瑞华,刘 燕, 宋安安, 吕黎晖(2012). 污泥厌氧水解/酸化的影响因素及研究进展.化学通报. 2012, 75(6):489-495

  83. 查晓松,刘燕,张强,代瑞华,刘翔 (2012)“饮用水中溴/碘离子去除的研究进展”,西南给水排水,34(6):14-18.

  84. 魏源源,, 刘燕,刘翔,代瑞华(2011)“微生物胞外聚合物作为氯化消毒副产物前驱物的研究”,中国科技论文在线,2011,6(6):434-438.

  85. 蔡璇,魏源源,李然,刘 燕,代瑞华,刘翔 (2011) “饮用水化学消毒方法及其影响因素研究进展”.卫生研究. 2011,40(5):660-663

  86. 张强, 刘 燕, 张云, 蔡璇, 查正驺, 代瑞华, 刘翔.(2011) “饮用水含氮消毒副产物NDMA前体物研究” [J]. 化学通报, 2011,74(9): 817-821.

  87. 魏源源,, 刘燕,刘翔,代瑞华(2011)“藻有机物在含溴离子条件下氯化消毒HAAs的生成种类”,中国科技论文在线,2011,6(12):901-905.

  88. 汉京超, 刘燕, 高学珑, 陈奕, 王红武, 马鲁铭.(2011)农村雨洪调蓄利用的辨析. 复旦大学学报(自然科学版),2011, 50(5):662-666. ISSN: 0427-7104,复旦大学出版社..

  89. 张强, 刘燕,张云, 查晓松, 代瑞华, 刘翔. (2011)“饮用水含氮消毒副产物NDMA控制技术研究进展”. 中国环保产业, 2011 No.1,26-29. ISSN: 1006-5377.

  90. 刘翔,黄映恩,刘燕,代瑞华(2011)“活性污泥和生物膜的胞外聚合物提取方法比较”复旦学报(自然科学版),2011,Vol.50, No.5,556-562.

  91. 任汉文,蔡璇,朱煜,刘燕,周莹莹(2011) “臭氧消毒技术研究进展”,给水排水:2011.37(9):207-211.

  92. 汉京超,郑宇国,黄开恩, 王承波,王红武,刘燕(2011)“南平市塔下污水处理厂的设计及运行”,水处理技术,2011,37(9):132-135.

  93. 汉京超,刘燕,高学珑, 王红武,郑宇国,陈奕. 浅议南平市中心城区排水体制的选择和完善. 中国给水排水,2012, 28(18): 27-29.

  94. 刘燕, 汉京超,金伟,杨楠帧,刘翔,代瑞华(2010)“关于危害性生物废弃物的相关概念探讨”. 复旦大学学报,49(1):116-120, ISSN: 0427-7104,复旦大学出版社.

  95. 柯孟岳,姚毅,陈雯,王令,刘燕,代瑞华,安东,魏源源 ,陆颢文,张颖,刘涛,邓慧萍(2010)“严重受污染城市河道水的处理——以深圳布吉河为例” 复旦大学学报,49(1):66-72, ISSN: 0427-7104,复旦大学出版社.

  96. 翟英华,王令,姚毅,陈雯,李淑芹,刘燕,代瑞华,刘翔 (2010)“倒置A2/O工艺处理城镇河道污水的效能研究”,中国给水排水,Vol.26, No.27,16-19.ISSN:1000-4602,CN:12-1073/TU. 《中国给水排水》杂志社

  97. 张云, 刘燕,张强,代瑞华,刘翔 (2010)“饮用水标准中病毒指标应用现状及研究进展”,中国公共卫生,Vol.26, No.5, 540-543, ISSN: 1001-0580,中国公共卫生杂志社.

  98. 张云,张强,刘燕,代瑞华,刘翔(2010) “饮用水中病毒的消毒技术研究进展”,卫生研究,Vol.39,No.5, 647-650, ISSN: 1000-8020,中国疾病预防控制中心,中华人民共和国卫生部。

  99. 汉京超,刘燕,金伟,杨楠帧,刘翔,代瑞华(2010)“国内外危害性生物废弃物管理体系”,中国环保产业,No.7, 58-61. ISSN: 1006-5377.

  100. 张强,刘燕,张云,代瑞华,刘翔(2010)“饮用水消毒副产物控制工艺研究进展”,《中国环保产业》,2010, No.5,26-29. ISSN: 1006-5377.

  101. 张强, 刘燕, 魏源源, 代瑞华, 刘翔(2010) 饮用水消毒预处理工艺研究进展. 化学通报,Vol.73,No.11, 980-985, ISSN: 0441-3776,中国化学会.

  102. 汉京超,刘燕,李怀正,金伟 (2010)“美国危害性生物废弃物管理”,环境保护,No. 6, 69-71,总440期,ISSN: 0253-9705,《环境保护》杂志社。

  103. 蔡 璇,贺燕,代瑞华,刘燕,安东(2010)“纤维素类产清洁能源的影响因素及研究进展” 中国环保产业,2010, No.1,22-26. ISSN: 1006-5377.

  104. 魏源源,刘燕,刘东银,代瑞华,刘翔(2010) “饮用水消毒碘代副产物的毒理学研究及其形成过程”. 癌变.畸变.突变,Vol. 22, No. 5, 404-408。

  105. 杨楠桢, 刘 燕, 张 云, 郭 思, 蔡 璇, 史 舟, 刘 翔, 安 东(2009) “强化混凝预处理生物性污染实验室废水”, 复旦大学学报, Vol. 48, No. 1, 88-93,ISSN: 0427-7104,复旦大学出版社.

  106. 郭 思,刘 燕,杨楠桢,安东,张 云,林文诗,汪明明(2009)“Fenton氧化法处理生物性污染废水” 环境化学, Vol.28, No.4, 487-491. ISSN: 0254-6108,科学出版社. ISSN: 1000-6923.

  107. 汉京超,张云,史舟,刘燕,刘翔,安东,代瑞华,吴金键,魏源源(2009)“含腐殖酸的新型混凝剂强化混凝处理城市污水”,中国环保产业,No.3, 44-49. ISSN: 1006-5377.

  108. 魏源源,刘燕,代瑞华(2009)“饮用水消毒溴代副产物及其健康风险”,化学通报,Vol.72,No.12, 1051-1056, ISSN: 0441-3776,中国化学会.

  109. 张云,汉京超,史舟,刘燕,代瑞华,刘翔,吴金键, 魏源源(2009)“一种含氧化剂和腐殖酸的新型混凝剂与聚合氯化铝混凝处理城市污水效能比较” 复旦大学学报,48(5) : 578-592, ISSN: 0427-7104,复旦大学出版社.

  110. 刘涛,柯孟岳,刘燕(2009)“HYBAS工艺处理城市河道水”,山西建筑,2009,35(8):197-198 , ISSN: 1009-6825.

  111. 孔旺盛,刘燕 (2007)“生物污泥对染料的吸附及胞外聚合物的作用”,环境科学,Vol.28,No.12, 57-62. ISSN: 0250-3301.

  112. 孔旺盛,刘燕(2007)“染料的生物污泥吸附”,化学通报,Vol.70,No.2, 106-111, ISSN: 0441-3776,中国化学会 .

  113. 刘燕,王雪梅 (2007)“城市富营养化河道水的膜生物处理与回用”,第十一届海峡两岸环境保护学术研讨会论文集(上册),任南琪,马放,王鹏主编,哈尔滨工业大学出版社,p.103-107。ISBN 978-7-5603-2552-1.

  114. 曾次元,李亮,赵心越,刘燕 (2006)“电化学氧化法除氨氮的影响因素”,复旦大学学报,Vol.45, No.3, 348-352, ISSN: 0427-7104,复旦大学出版社.

  115. 张旭栋,刘燕,邓丛蕊 (2006)“常温下膨胀颗粒污泥床(EGSB)反应器处理城市污水”,复旦大学学报,,Vol.45, No.3, 353-358, ISSN: 0427-7104,复旦大学出版社。

  116. 王雪梅,刘燕,华志浩,郭国良(2006)“SMBR不同特性膜处理城市内河道水对比试验研究”,环境化学,Vol.25, No.1, 60-64, ISSN: 0254-6108,科学出版社.

  117. 王雪梅,刘燕,华志浩,郭国良(2005)“胞外聚合物对浸没式膜生物反应器过滤性能的影响”,环境科学学报,Vol.25, No.12, 1602-1607,ISSN: 0253-2468,科学出版社

  118. 张旭栋,刘燕,曾次元 (2005)“厌氧膨胀颗粒污泥床(EGSB)的应用现状与研究热点”,工业用水与废水,Vol.36, No.6, 5-10, ISSN:1009-2455,《工业用水与废水》编辑部出版。

  119. 刘燕,王越兴,莫华娟,马鲁铭. (2005) “有机底物特性与活性污泥胞外聚合物的关系”,中国科技发展论坛-2004年卷,1412-1415,张晓林主编,国防工业出版社,北京,ISBN:7-118-04016-9。

  120. 刘燕,王越兴,莫华娟,马鲁铭. (2004) “有机底物对活性污泥胞外聚合物的影响”,环境化学,Vol.23, No.3, 252-257. ISSN: 0254-6108,科学出版社.

  121. 刘燕,王越兴,莫华娟 (2004)“活性污泥胞外聚合物与有机底物的关系”,第九届海峡两岸环境保护学术研讨会论文集,贺延龄,顾兆林,陈杰瑢主编,西安交通大学出版社,西安,陕西,523-526。ISBN 7-5605-1838-9.

  122. 李亮,黄丽,刘燕 (2004)“城市生活污水厌氧生物处理”,环境污染治理技术与设备,Vol.5, No.12, 1-6,ISSN: 0254-6108,科学出版社.

  123. 王红武,马鲁铭,董美玉,岳春,刘燕(30%),赵庆祥 (2000)“PHB及糖原在废水生物处理好氧条件下的形成”,精细化工,Vol.17, No.9, 519-521. ISSN: 1003-5214.

  124. 马鲁铭,王红武,刘燕(30%)(2000) “废水生化处理中胞内有机聚合物的形成”,中国学术期刊文摘(月刊),(正式论文,非文摘),No.6,p771-772.

  125. 王燕春,马鲁铭,刘燕(30%)(1999) “废水生化处理出水吸收SO2 过程相 平衡关系的确定”, 化工环保, Vol.19, No.4, 201-204. ISSN 1006-1878.

  126. 马鲁铭,刘燕(30%),黄志通,金志刚(1998)“污水生化处理出水吸收二氧化硫——烟道气脱硫与污水回用的新途径”, 中国环境科学, Vol.18, No.1, 64-67. ISSN: 1000-6923.

  127. 马鲁铭,刘燕(30%),王燕春,(1998)“煤电厂烟道气“生化出水法脱硫”工艺研究”, 环境导报, No.6, 14-16. ISSN 1003-9821.

  128. 马鲁铭,刘燕(35%),崔卫琪(1995)“三槽式切换氧化沟运行工况数学模式及其运用”,环境科学学报  Vol. 15, No.2, 163-169. ISSN: 0253-2468,科学出版社.

  129. 刘燕(40%),马鲁铭,金志刚,邓述文(1994)“三槽式切换氧化沟工艺的研究”, 中国环境科学, Vol.14, No.3, 161-164. ISSN: 1000-6923.

  130. 刘燕(1994)“三槽式氧化沟运行工况研究”妇女——环境保护的生力军, 196-198, 国家环保局编辑,中国环境科学出版社,北京。

  131. 刘燕  (1992) “硫酸根对有机废水厌氧生物处理的影响” 环境科学, Vol.13, No.5, 50-52. ISSN: 0250-3301.

  132. 刘燕  (1991) “厌氧生物处理过程中微生物增长量计算的新方法” 中国沼气, Vol.9, No.4, 10-12.

  133. 王郁,刘燕 (30%),顾印玉 (1991) “提高专业课教学效果的新尝试” 教育研究, No.4, 25-26.

  134. 刘燕 (60%),胡家骏 (1989) “臭氧对水中三氯乙烯的氧化” 上海环境科学, Vol.8, No.2, 11-13.

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