

Tel: 31248919

Email:zhokzhok@163.com  zhanghao_fdu@fudan.edu.cn


(ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hao-Zhang-172)



  • 1999-2002, 华东师范大学,环境科学与技术系,博士

  • 1996-1999, 华东师范大学,环境科学与技术系,硕士

  • 1992-1996, 杭州大学,生物系,学士


  • 2008.12-至今,   复旦大学,BET体育365投注官网,副教授

  • 2002.07-2008.12  复旦大学,BET体育365投注官网,讲师


  • 环境遥感与空间分析


  • Remote Sensing, guest editor

  • Water, guest editor



  • 概率论与环境数理统计、城市生态学


  • 环境统计学



  1. 自然资源部大都市区国土空间生态修复工程技术创新中心开放性创新项目,“双碳”目标约束下上海市国土空间综合整治与生态修复创新技术体系研究,起止年月:2022.06-2023.03,6万,结题,主持;

  2. 上海市科委,2020年度“科技创新行动计划:一带一路”青年科学家交流项目,批准号:20230742600,推进“一带一路”沿线干旱脆弱区国家生态恢复重建的综合风险评估,起止年月:2020.10-2023.09,30万,在研, 主持;

  3. 国家重点研发计划项目,批准号:2017YFC0506000,长三角典型河口湿地生态恢复与产业化技术,起止年月:2019.1-2021.12 ,20万,在研,参加;

  4. 复旦大学校级原创性探索项目,中国快速城市化进程中区域经济-环境发展失衡性及其生态风险响应机制:以长三角为例,起止年月:2017.1-2019.12, 结题,主持;

  5. 国家自然科学基金项目,批准号:71573045,基于遥感/GIS集成手段的城市化区域土地利用碳排放及其社会经济驱动机制研究:以上海市为例,起止年月:2016.1-2019.1,10万,结题,参加;

  6. 迪斯尼(中国)有限公司资助横向课题项目,批准号: CA1402 集成卫星遥感监测与CFD数值模拟的上海城市森林改善城市热环境的量化评定与综合对策研究起止年月:2014.12-2016.12,50万,结题,主持;

  7. 国家自然科学基金,批准号:41171432,基于LUCC及城市群典型空间增长组织模式的区域生态安全响应与调控,起止年月:2012.1-2015.12,60万,结题,主持。



  • 张浩. 融入正能量元素的课程思政教学策略、模式与实施路径——以本科生《概率论与环境数理统计》课程教学为例[J]. 教育进展, 2022, 12(12): 5582-5586. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2022.1212850


  1. Zhang, H. (通讯作者), Han, J., Zhou, R., Zhao, A., Zhao, X., & Kang, M. (2022). Quantifying the relationship between land parcel design attributes and intra-urban surface heat island effect via the estimated sensible heat flux. Urban Climate, 41, 101030. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2021.101030

  2. Zhang, H. (通讯作者), Zhao, X., Kang, M., & Han, J. (2022). Contrasting changes in fine-scale land use structure and summertime thermal environment in downtown Shanghai. Sustainable Cities and Society, 83, 103965. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2022.103965

  3. Zhang, H. (通讯作者), Li, T. -T., Liu, Y., Han, J.-J., & Guo, Y. -J. (2021). Understanding the contributions of land parcel features to intra‐surface urban heat island intensity and magnitude: A study of downtown Shanghai, China. Land Degradation & Development, 32(3), 1353-1367.

  4. Zhang, H. (通讯作者), Li, T. T., & Han, J. -J. (2020). Quantifying the relationship between land use features and intra-surface urban heat island effect: Study on downtown Shanghai. Applied Geography, 125, 102305.

  5. Guo, Y. -J., Han, J. -J., Zhao, X., Dai, X. -Y. (通讯作者), & Zhang, H. (通讯作者) (2020). Understanding the role of optimized land use/land cover components in mitigating summertime intra-surface urban heat island effect: A study on downtown Shanghai, China. Energies, 13(7), 1678.

  6. Li, Y. -Y., Liu, Y., Ranagalage, M., Zhang, H. (通讯作者), & Zhou, R. (通讯作者) (2020). Examining Land Use/Land Cover Change and the Summertime Surface Urban Heat Island Effect in Fast-Growing Greater Hefei, China: Implications for Sustainable Land Development. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(10), 568.

  7. Li, H.-M.,Li, X.-G.,Yang, X.-Y., Zhang, H.(通讯作者). Analyzing the Relationship between Developed Land Area and Nighttime Light Emissions of 36 Chinese Cities. Remote Sensing,2019, 11(10),10.  https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/11/1/10

  8. Ghafarian Malamiri, H.R., Rousta, I.(通讯作者), Olafsson, H., Zare, H., Zhang, H.(通讯作者). Gap-Filling of MODIS Time Series Land Surface Temperature (LST) Products Using Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA). Atmosphere. 2018,9(9):334.

  9. Rousta I, Sarif MO (通讯作者), Gupta RD, Olafsson H, Ranagalage M, Murayama Y, Zhang H(通讯作者), Mushore TD. Spatiotemporal Analysis of Land Use/Land Cover and Its Effects on Surface Urban Heat Island Using Landsat Data: A Case Study of Metropolitan City Tehran (1988–2018). Sustainability. 2018,10(12):4433.

  10. Zhao, H., Zhang, H., Miao, C.(通讯作者), Ye, X., Min, M. Linking heat source–sink landscape patterns with analysis of urban heat islands: study on the fast-growing Zhengzhou city in central China. Remote Sensing,2018,10(8),1268.

  11. Zhang, H.(通讯作者), Jing, X. -M., Chen, J. -Y., Li, J. -J., & Schwegler, B.  Characterizing Urban Fabric Properties and Their Thermal Effect Using QuickBird Image and Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared (TIR) Data: The Case of Downtown Shanghai, China. Remote Sensing, 2016,8(7), 541.

  12. Zhou,L.,Ma,W.,Zhang,H. (通讯作者),Li,L.,Tang,L. Developing a PCA-ANN model for predicting chlorophyll a concentration from field hyperspectral measurements in Dianshan Lake,China. Water Quality, Exposure and Health, 2015,7(4),591-602.

  13. Qi,Z.-F.,Ye, X.-Y., Zhang, H.(通讯作者), Yu,Z.-L. Land fragmentation and variation of ecosystem services in the context of rapid urbanization: the case of Taizhou city, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2014, 28, 843-855.

  14. Zhang, H, Qi, Z.-F., Ye, X.-Y., Cai, Y.-B., Ma, W.-C. (通讯作者). Analysis of land use/land cover change, population shift, and their effects on spatiotemporal patterns of urban heat islands in metropolitan Shanghai, China. Applied Geography, 2013, 44,121-133. (SSCI)

  15. Wu, K.Y., Ye, X.-Y., Qi, Z.-F., Zhang, H.(通讯作者).  Impacts of land use/land cover change and socioeconomic development on regional ecosystem services: The case of fast-growing Hangzhou metropolitan area, China. Cities, 2013, 31,276-284. (SSCI)

  16. Li,Y.-Y., Zhang,H.(通讯作者), Kainz,W. Monitoring patterns of urban heat islands of the fast-growing Shanghai metropolis, China using time-series of Landsat TM/ETM+ data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinfomation,2012,19,127–138.

  17. Wu,K.Y., Zhang, H. (通讯作者). Land use dynamics, expansion patterns of built-up land, and driving forces analysis of the fast-growing Hangzhou metropolitan area, eastern China (1978-2008). Applied Geography, 2012,34,137-145. (SSCI).

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