






  • 2000-2004, 美国马里兰大学,海洋海岸与环境科学系,博士

  • 1997-2000, 南京大学,环境学院,硕士

  • 1993-1997, 南京大学,环境学院,学士


  • 2009.01-至今,   复旦大学,BET体育365投注官网,教授

  • 2007.7-2008.12  美国Trinity咨询公司,咨询顾问

  • 2004.11-2007.6  美国斯坦福大学,地球与环境科学系,博士后


  • 大气气溶胶、全球环境变化


  • 大气气溶胶、全球环境变化


  • 中国表层海洋与低层大气研究计划(SOLAS)委员会,委员;

  • 杂志Environmental Chemistry副主编


  • 2009年,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划

  • 2009年,上海市浦江人才计划



  • 全英文课程《全球环境变化》、《生物地球化学》、《环境科学前沿》


  • 《生物地球化学循环和全球变化》



  • 上海市浦东新区环境监测站,浦东新区微生物气溶胶的丰度和群落结构变化及影响机制,2020-06至2021-12,项目负责人

  • 上海市浦东新区环境监测站,浦东新区近海气溶胶中半挥发有机物(SVOC)的成分分析,2020-06至2021-12,项目负责人

  • 自然科学基金委,面上项目,东海微生物气溶胶的丰度和群落结构变化及影响机制,2018.1-2021.12,项目负责人

  • 上海市浦东新区环境监测站,浦东新区环境空气中细颗粒物(PM2.5)中重金属的特征及源解析研究项目,2017-11至2018-06,项目负责人

  • 科技部,国家重点研发计划“全球变化及应对”重点专项课题,海洋生源活性气体在大气中的迁移转化及气候效应,2016.6-2021.5,项目负责人

  • 科技部,国家重点基础研究发展计划项目,大气物质沉降对海洋氮循环与初级生产过程的影响及其气候效应,2014.1-201.12,参加

  • 自然科学基金委,面上项目,东海气溶胶中人为源识别及其沉降的生态效应研究,2014.1-2017.12,项目负责人

  • 教育部,留学回国人员科研启动基金,大气沉降重金属对东海浮游植物群落的影响,2012.8-2015.8,项目负责人

  • 自然科学基金委,青年基金,东海大气沉降重金属对浮游植物的生态效应,2011.1-2013.12,项目负责人

  • 教育部,博士点新教师基金,大气沉降对富营养化淡水湖中微蘘藻毒素浓度的影响机制,2010.1-2012.12,项目负责人

  • 国家教育部,新世纪优秀人才支持计划,NCET-09-0308,2010-01至2012-12,项目负责人

  • 上海市科学技术委员会,浦江人才计划,09PJ1401200,东中国海的大气沉降及其对近海环境和全球变化的可能影响,2009-07至2011-07,项目负责人



  1. Zhou, S., Y. Chen*, A. Paytan, H. Li, F. Wang, Y. Zhu, T. Yang, Y. Zhang, and R. Zhang (2021), Non-marine sources contribute to aerosol methanesulfonate over coastal seas. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 126, e2021JD034960.

  2. Xu, Z.#, S. Zhou#, Y. Zhu, Y. Chen* (2021), Different characteristics and source contributions to aerosol aminiums over a coastal city and adjacent marginal seas. Environmental Chemistry 18,274-284.

  3. Zhu, Y., S. Zhou, H. Li, Li Luo*, F. Wang, Y. Bao, Y. Chen* (2021), Formation pathways and sources of size-segregated nitrate aerosols in a megacity identified by dual isotopes. Atmospheric Environment, 264, 118708

  4. Li, H., S. Zhou, Y. Zhu, R. Zhang*, F. Wang, Y. Bao, Y. Chen* (2021), Atmospheric deposition promotes relative abundances of high-dimethylsulfoniopropionate producers in the western North Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters 48: e2020GL092077.

  5. Ma, Q., Y. Chen*, F. Wang, H. Li (2021), Responses of primary productivity and phytoplankton community to the atmospheric nutrient deposition in the East China Sea. Atmosphere 12(2): 210.

  6. Li, H., Y. Chen*, S. Zhou, F. Wang, T. Yang, Y. Zhu, Q. Ma, Change of dominant phytoplankton groups in the eutrophic coastal sea due to atmospheric deposition, Sci. Total Environ., 2021, 753, 141961.

  7. Yang, T., Y. Chen*, S. Zhou., H. Li., F. Wang., Y. Zhu, Solubilities and deposition fluxes of atmospheric Fe and Cu over the Northwest Pacific and its marginal seas, Atmos. Environ., 2020, 239, 117763.

  8. Yang, T., Y. Chen*, S. Zhou, H. Li, Impacts of aerosol copper on marine phytoplankton: A review, Atmosphere, 2019, 10, 414.

  9. Zhou, S., H. Li, T. Yang, Y. Chen*, C. Deng* Y. Gao, C. Chen, J. Xu, Characteristics and sources of aerosol aminiums over the eastern coast of China: insights from the integrated observations in a coastal city, adjacent island and surrounding marginal seas, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2019, 19, 10447-10467.

  10. Wang, B., Y. Chen*, S. Zhou, H. Li, F. Wang, T. Yang, The influence of terrestrial transport on visibility and aerosol properties over the coastal East China Sea, Sci. Total Environ., 2019, 649, 652-660.

  11. Fu, J., B. Wang, Y. Chen∗, Q. Ma, The influence of continental air masses on the aerosols and nutrients deposition over the western North Pacific, Atmos. Environ., 2018, 172, 1-11.

  12. Wang, F. J., Y. Chen*, Z. G. Guo, H. W. Gao, K. R. Mackey, X. H. Yao, G. S. Zhuang, and A. Paytan, Combined effects of iron and copper from atmospheric dry deposition on ocean productivity, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2017, 44, 2547-2555.

  13. Meng, X., Y. Chen*, B. Wang, Q. W. Ma, and F. J. Wang, Responses of phytoplankton community to the input of different aerosols in the East China Sea, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2016, 43, 7081–7088.

  14. Wang, F., Y. Chen*, X. Meng, J. Fu, B. Wang, The contribution of anthropogenic sources to the aerosols over East China Sea, Atmos. Environ., 2016, 127, 22-33.

  15. Xu, Z., Y. Chen*, X. Meng, F. Wang, Z. Zheng, Phytoplankton community diversity is influenced by environmental factors in the coastal East China Sea, Eur. J. Phycol., 2016, 51, 107-118.

  16. Guo, L., Y. Chen*, F. Wang, X. Meng, Z. Xu, G. Zhuang, Effects of Asian dust on the atmospheric input of trace elements to the East China Sea, Mar. Chem., 2014, 163, 19-27.

  17. Zhu, L., Y. Chen*, L. Guo, F. Wang, Estimate of dry deposition fluxes of nutrients over the East China Sea: The implication of aerosol ammonium to non-sea-salt sulfate ratio in nutrient deposition of coastal oceans, Atmos. Environ., 2013, 69, 131-138.

  18. Chen, Y., A. Tovar-Sanchez, R. L. Siefert, S. A. Sañudo-Wilhelmy, and G. Zhuang, Luxury uptake of aerosol iron by Trichodesmium in the western tropical North Atlantic, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2011, 38, L18602, doi:10.1029/2011GL048972

  19. Chen, Y., A. Paytan, Z. Chase, C. Measures, A. J. Beck, S. A. Sañudo-Wilhelmy, and A. F. Post, Sources and Fluxes of Atmospheric Trace Elements to the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, J. Geophys. Res., 2008, 113, D05306.

  20. Chen, Y., J. Street, D. Golan, A. Post, and A. Paytan, Estimate of atmospheric dry deposition and associated input of nutrients to the Gulf of Aqaba seawater, J. Geophys. Res., 2007, 112(D4), D04309.

  21. Chen, Y., J. Street, and A. Paytan, Comparison between pure-water- and seawater-soluble nutrient concentrations of aerosols in the Gulf of Aqaba, Mar. Chem., 2006, 101, 141-152.

  22. Chen, Y., and R. L. Siefert, Seasonal and spatial distributions and dry deposition fluxes of atmospheric total and labile iron over the tropical and sub-tropical North Atlantic Ocean, J. Geophys. Res., 2004, 109, D09305.

  23. Chen, Y., and R. L. Siefert, Determination of various types of labile atmospheric iron over remote oceans, J. Geophys. Res., 2003 108, D4774.

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