






  • 2000-2005,复旦大学,化学系,博士

  • 1986-1990,苏州大学,化学系,学士


  • 2015.07-2016.01,法国国家科学研究中心,里昂催化与环境研究所,访问学者

  • 2010.02-至今,复旦大学,BET体育365投注官网,副教授

  • 2007.10-2008.12,芬兰KUOPIO大学,物理系,博士后

  • 2005.07-2010.02,复旦大学,BET体育365投注官网,讲师


  • 环境科学,资源与环境科学


  • 环境科学,资源与环境科学



  • 《专业文献查阅》、《环境科学前沿》、《有机化学》


  • 《绿色化学选读》、《大气气溶胶科学与技术》



  • 国家自然科学基金委,面上项目,大气硝酸盐气溶胶的光化学及其对大气灰霾和臭氧污染形成的影响,2020.01-2023.12,66万,在研,主持;

  • 国家自然科学基金委,面上项目,Soot大气化学演化过程及其混合气溶胶形成机制研究,2018.01-2021.12,64万,在研,主持;

  • 国家自然科学基金委,面上项目,大气氮硫化合物间的非均相耦合转化及其对灰霾形成的影响,2015.01-2018.12,98万,结题,主持;

  • 国家自然科学基金委,面上项目,污染大气中有机成分对大气气溶胶表面非均相反应的影响及其作用机理,2013.01-2016.12,80万,结题,主持;

  • 科技部,国家重点研发计划项目,“纳米颗粒物化学组分和粒径分布在线测量系统”项目,课题:大气高氧化有机组分的识别和来源解析,2017.07-2020.12,62万,结题,参与;

  • 上海市科委,科技创新行动计划项目,基于高时间分辨率监测的高污染成因诊断研究,2014.07-2017.06,30万,结题,参与;

  • 国家自然科学基金委,重大项目,大气颗粒物界面过程与二次物种的形成,2012.01-2016.12,50万, 结题,参与;

  • 上海市宝山环保局,环保项目,大气环境问题研究,2011.01-2013.07,48万,结题,主持;

  • 教育部,留学回国人员科研启动基金,大气气溶胶表面非均相反应对其吸湿性和光学性能的影响研究,2010.01-2011.12,3万,结题,主持;

  • 国家自然科学基金委,面上项目,大气二次气溶胶复相反应活性及机理研究,2008.01-2010.12,34万,结题,主持;

  • 科技部,国家科技支撑计划子课题,博物馆藏展材料快速评估筛选技术,2006.06-2008.12,80万,结题,主持。



  • Lu Chen, Lingdong Kong*, Songying Tong, et al., Aqueous phase oxidation of bisulfite influenced by nitrate and its photolysis, Sci. Total Environ., 2021, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147345.

  • Kejing Yang, Lingdong Kong*, Songying Tong, et al., Double high-level ozone and PM2.5 co-pollution episodes in Shanghai, China: pollution characteristics and significant role of daytime HONO, Atmosphere, 2021, 12, 557, doi: 10.3390/atmos12050557.

  • Songying Tong, Lingdong Kong*, Kejing Yang, et al., Characteristics of air pollution episodes influenced by biomass burning pollution in Shanghai, China. Atmos. Environ., 2020, 238, 117756.

  • Assiya Zhanzakova, Songying Tong, Kejing Yang, Lu Chen, Kejian Li, Hongbo Fu, Lin Wang, Lingdong Kong*, The effects of surfactants on the heterogeneous uptake of sulphur dioxide on hematite. Atmos. Environ., 2019, 213, 548-557.

  • Kejian Li, Lingdong Kong*, Assiya Zhanzakova, et al., Heterogeneous conversion of SO2 on nano α-Fe2O3: the effect of morphology, light illumination and relative humidity. Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2019, 6, 1838–1851.

  • Chengtian Du, Lingdong Kong*, Assiya Zhanzakova, et al., Impact of adsorbed nitrate on the heterogeneous conversion of SO2 on α-Fe2O3 in the absence and presence of simulated solar irradiation. Sci. Total Environ., 2019, 649, 1393-1402.

  • Chengtian Du, Lingdong Kong*, Assiya Zhanzakova, et al., Impact of heterogeneous uptake of nitrogen dioxide on the conversion of acetaldehyde on gamma-alumina in the absence and presence of simulated solar irradiation. Atmos. Environ., 2018, 187, 282-291.

  • Lingdong Kong*, Chengtian Du, Assiya Zhanzakova, et al., Trends in heterogeneous aqueous reaction in continuous haze episodes in suburban Shanghai: an in-depth case study. Sci. Total Environ., 2018, 634, 1192-1204.

  • X. X. Ding, L. D. Kong*, C. T. Du, et al., Characteristics of size-resolved atmospheric inorganic and carbonaceous aerosols in urban Shanghai, Atmos. Environ., 2017, 167, 625-641.

  • Xiaoxiao Ding, Lingdong Kong*, Chengtian Du, et al., Long-range and regional transported size-resolved atmospheric aerosols during summertime in urban Shanghai, Sci. Total Environ., 2017, 583, 334–343.

  • Passananti M., Kong L., Shang J., et al., Organosulfate formation through the heterogeneous reaction of sulfur dioxide with unsaturated fatty acids and long-chain alkenes. Angew. Chem. 2016, 128, 10492 -10495.

  • Zhenyu Sun, Lingdong Kong*, Xiaoxiao Ding, et al., The effects of acetaldehyde, glyoxal and acetic acid on the heterogeneous reaction of nitrogen dioxide on gamma-alumina, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016, 18, 9367-9376.

  • Zhenyu Sun, Lingdong Kong*, Xi Zhao, et al., Effect of formaldehyde on the heterogeneous reaction of nitrogen dioxide on γ-alumina, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2015, 119, 9317-9324.

  • Zhao Xi, Kong Lingdong*, Sun Zhenyu, et al., Interactions between heterogeneous uptake and adsorption of sulfur dioxide and acetaldehyde on hematite, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2015, 119, 4001-4008.

  • Lingdong Kong*, Yiwei Yang, Shuanqin Zhang, et al., Observations of linear dependence between sulfate and nitrate in atmospheric particles, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 2014, 119(1), 341-361.

  • L. D. Kong*, X. Zhao, Z. Y. Sun, et al., The effects of nitrate on heterogeneous uptake of sulfur dioxide on hematite, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2014, 14, 9451–9467.

  • Zhang S-Q., Kong L-D.*, Zhao X., et al., Effects of ammonia and amines on heterogeneous oxidation of carbonyl sulfide on hematite,Acta Phys. ⁃Chim. Sin.,2013,29, 2027-2034.

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