







  • 2014年5月 圣路易斯华盛顿大学能源环境化学工程专业 获博士学位 (导师:Pratim Biswas院士)

  • 2009年7月 复旦大学环境科学专业 获硕士学位 (导师:杨新教授)

  • 2007年7月 复旦大学环境科学专业 获学士学位


  • 2018年9月 -至今  复旦大学BET体育365投注官网  青年研究员

  • 2014年6月-2018年8月  加州大学圣地亚哥分校  博士后/助理项目研究科学家 (合作导师:Kimberly Prather院士)


  • 大气环境中的气溶胶对全球气候以及人体健康有着极其重要的影响,而工业中的气溶胶技术有着广泛的应用。本课题组主要利用实验室模拟方法,对飞沫气溶胶,沙尘气溶胶以及其它类型气溶胶的形成机理进行了深入研究,并且开发相关的气溶胶技术。已经取得的主要创新成果有:(一)揭示海洋飞沫、人体飞沫和沙尘气溶胶的形成机理和其对环境的影响;(二)利用气溶胶的天然带电性,开发气溶胶去除的新方法;(三)利用气泡和飞沫气溶胶的富集特性,开发针对环境样品的在线富集前处理装置;(四)开发气溶胶测量仪器,包括研制新型全自动气溶胶/VOCs有机组分分析仪,以及生物气溶胶采样器等。本人已经在本领域的主流杂志发表第一、通讯作者文章30余篇,其中包括了发表于美国科学院院刊(PNAS)、ACS Cent. Sci.、Proc. Comb. Inst.、Energy & Fuels、Fuel、Environ. Sci. Technol.和Atmos. Chem. Phys.等国际期刊的多篇文章。


  • 担任了Nature Communications,Environmental Science & Technology, Geophysical Research Letters, Atmospheric Environment,Journal of Cleaner Production,Journal of Aerosol Science, Aerosol Science & Technology等环境、地学以及气溶胶科学期刊的审稿人


  • 国家引进人才青年计划

  • Dave Benferado Scholarship for Air Pollution Control and Waste Minimization Research, the Air & Waste Management Association (AWMA), Awarded at the AWMA Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas

  • 上海市研究生优秀毕业论文, 上海市教委

  • McDonnell Scholar, Washington University in St. Louis

  • Peabody Energy Corporate Fellow, Washington University in St. Louis


  • 本科生课程:大气化学

  • 研究生课程:MATLAB在环境模拟中的应用



  • 2019-2022:复旦大学引进人才项目

  • 2019-2022:上海市面上项目-有机污染物在海盐气溶胶中的富集及在水-气界面的传输

  • 2020-2023:国家自然基金委青年基金-单颗粒气溶胶真实密度和形状系数的在线检测

  • 2021-2022:上海市公卫体系建设三年行动计划子课题

  • 2021-2024:国家自然基金委面上基金-海盐气溶胶对海水中有机污染物的富集和传输

  • 2021-2023:国家引进人才青年计划项目

  • 2023-2026:上海市自然基金原创项目

  • 2024-2027:国家自然基金委面上基金





1. Yang, S.; Lu, X.; Peng, Y.; Wang, Z.; Yang, X.; Wang, X.*, Microplastic Emission from Soil-Air Interface. Environment Science & Technology Letters 2024 In press.

2. Qi, X.; Zhu, X.; Gao, Q.; Wang, Q.; Pan, Z.; Wang, Z.*; Wang, X.*, A Lab Simulation Study on the Impact of Oil Spills on the Distribution of Heavy Metals and PAHs in Sea Spray Aerosols. Journal of Fudan University (Natural Science) 2023 DOI: 10.15943/j.cnki.fdxb-jns.20230519.001 (In Chinese)

3. Shi, Y.; Zhang, R.; Zhang, T.; He, F.; Zheng, Y.; Yang, J.; Wu, C.*; Wang, X.*, Simulation of COVID-19 Spread and Infection Probability through Aerosol Transmission: A Case Study of Subway Cars. Journal of Environmental & Occupational Medicine 2023 In press (In Chinese).

4. Gan, Y.; Lu, X.*; Chen, S.; Jiang, X.; Yang, S.; Ma, X.; Li, M.; Yang, F.; Shi, Y.; Wang, X.*, Aqueous-phase formation of N-containing secondary organic compounds affected by the ionic strength. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2024 138 88-101.

5. Zhang, R.; Lu, X.; Wang, L.; Chen, J.; Chen, D. R.; Wang, X.*, Extremely Inexpensive and Simple Method to Remove Indoor Respiratory Aerosols. Environment Science & Technology Letters, 2023 10 (9) , 786-791.

6. Zhang, T.; Lu, X.; Zhang, R.; Jiang, X.; Yang, S.; Ma, X.; Gao, Q.; Wang, X.*  Ultrasonic Humidifier Aerosols: Observed High Heavy Metal Enrichment and a New Emission Control Method. Journal of Environmental Sciences, In press.

7. Yang, S.; Zhang, T.; Gan, Y.; Lu, X.; Chen, H.; Chen, J.; Yang, X.; Wang, X.*, Constraining Microplastic Particle Emission Flux from the Ocean. Environment Science & Technology Letters 2022 9 (6) 513-519.

8. Jiang, X.; Rotily, L.; Villermaux, E.; Wang, X.* Reply to Gañán-Calvo: Aerosol production from the bursting of submillimeter bubbles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2022 119(34): e2209370119.

9. Jiang, X.; Rotily, L.; Villermaux, E.; Wang, X.*, Submicron Drops from Flapping Bursting Bubbles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2022 119 (1) e2112924119.

10. Mayer K. J.#; Wang, X. #; Santander, M. V.; Mitts B. A.; Sauer J.S.; Sultana, C. M.; Cappa, C. D.; Prather, K. A., Secondary Marine Aerosol Plays a Dominant Role over Primary Sea Spray Aerosol in Cloud Formation. ACS Central Science 2020 6, 2259–2266.

11.Zhou, K.; Wang, S.; Lu, X.; Chen, H.; Chen, J.; Wang, L.; Yang, X.*; Wang, X.*, Production flux and chemical characteristics of spray aerosol generated from raindrop impact on seawater and soil. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2020 125, e2019JD032052.

12. Gao, Q.; Zhu, S.; Zhou, K.; Zhai, J.; Chen, S.; Wang, Q.; Wang, S.; Han, J.; Lu, X.; Chen, H.; Zhang, L.; Wang, L.; Wang, Z.; Yang, X.; Ying, Q.; Zhang, H.*; Chen, J.*; Wang, X.*, High Enrichment of Heavy Metals in Fine Particulate Matter through Dust Aerosol Generation. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, In press.

13. Chen, S.; Lu, X.*; Ma, X.; Zhu, X.; Gao, Q.; Jiang, X.; Yang, S.; Gan, Y.; Wang, X.* Aerosol emission from soil during field burning. Atmospheric Environment 2023, 119924.

14. Ma, X.; Gao, Q.; Jiang, X.; Chen, S.; Gan, Y.; Zhang, T.; Lu, X.; Wang, X.* Direct effects of air humidity on dust aerosol production: Evidences for the surprising role of electrostatic forces. Geophysical Research Letters 2023 50 (13), e2023GL103639.

15. Gao, Q.; Zhu, X.; Wang, Q.; Zhou, K.; Lu, X.; Wang, Z.*; Wang, X.* Enrichment and transfer of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) through dust aerosol generation from soil to the air. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2023 17(1): 10.

16. Wang, X.*; Zhang, Y.; Yang, X. Investigating aerosol chemistry using Real-Time Single Particle Mass Spectrometry: A viewpoint on its recent development. Applied Geochemistry 2023 149: 105554.

17. Wang, S.; Zhou, K.; Lu, X.; Chen, H.; Yang, F.; Li, Q.; Chen, J.; Prather, K. A.; Yang, X.*; Wang, X.*, Online shape and density measurement of single aerosol particles. Journal of Aerosol Science 2022 159 105880.

18.Wang, X.*; Wang, L.; Chen, J. Recent Progress in the Development of New Observation Techniques for Complex Air Pollution. Science and Technology Review 2022, 40(15) (In Chinese)

19. Wang, S.; Zhou, K.; Lu, X.; Chen, H.; Yang, F.; Li, Q.; Yang, X.*; Wang, X.*, Measurement of Density and Shape for Single Black Carbon Aerosols in a Heavily Polluted Urban Area. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 2021 21(12) 210162.

20. Zhu, S.; Li, L.; Wang, S.; Li, M.; Liu, Y.; Chen, H.; Wang, L.; Chen, J.; Zhou, Z.; Yang, X.*; Wang, X.*, Development of an Automatic Linear Calibration Method for High Resolution Single Particle Mass Spectrometry: Improved Chemical Species Identification for Atmospheric Aerosols. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 2020 13, 4111–4121.

21.Wang, X.; Ye, X.; Chen, J.; Wang, X.*; Yang, X.*; Fu, T.-M.; Zhu, L.; Liu, C, Direct links between hygroscopicity and mixing state of ambient aerosols: Estimating particle hygroscopicity from their single particle mass spectra. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics 2020 20, 6273–6290.

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