






  • 2008-2013, 香港大学,地理系,博士

  • 2005-2008, 南京大学,地理与海洋科学学院,硕士

  • 1999-2004, 南京大学,城市与资源学系,学士


  • 2018.01-至今,   复旦大学,BET体育365投注官网,副教授

  • 2013.09-2017.12  复旦大学,BET体育365投注官网,讲师


  • 城市生态与环境生物技术;环境生态学


  • 城市生态;景观生态


  • 上海市生态学会理事

  • 民进上海市第十六届委员会人口资源环境委员会委员

  • 上海市科技委环境质量与健康城市专业委员会秘书


  • 2020年,第八届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖,二等奖,排名2



  • 《环境与人类》、《生态学》、《城市绿地规划与设计》、《环境科学与工程虚拟仿真实验》


  • 《绿地规划与设计》



  • 教育部,人文社科规划基金,20YJAZH109,“长三角城市群水生态系统服务时空分异、权衡、协同关系和驱动机制研究”, 2020/01-2022/12,10万元,在研,课题负责人。

  • 科技部,国家重点研发计划项目,2016YFC0502700,“长三角城市群生态安全保障关键技术研究与集成示范”项目子课题-“长三角城市群区域生态系统评价与调控关键技术研究” (2016YFC0502701),2016/06-2020/12,78万元,到期结题,子课题负责人;

  • 生态环境部,“生态文明建设-区域生态文明建设模式”,2018/01-2019/31,30万,结题,子课题负责人;

  • 基金委,国家自然科学青年基金,41501194 “基于景观空间异质性的绿地综合生态服务功能评价研究”, 2016/01-2018/12,25.6 万元,结题,课题负责人;

  • 哲社办,国家社科重大项目,14ZDB140,我国特大型城市生态化转型发展战略研究、2015/01-2019/01,80万元,到期结题,参与;

  • 哲社办,国家社科基金重点项目,13AZD075,“基于PSR 模式的城市生态文明建设评价指标体系建构研究”, 2014/01-2017/01l,30 万元,结题; ,子课题共同负责人

  • 世界自然基金会WWF,“中国气候变化韧性城市发展研究”,2014/01-2015/12,10万元,结题,参与。



  • 王祥荣,谢玉静,李瑛等,气候变化与中国韧性城市发展对策研究,2016, 科学出版社。


  • Sun, W., Li, D.H., Wang, X.R. , Li, R., Li, K., & Xie, Y.J. . Exploring the scale effects, trade-offs and driving forces of the mismatch of ecosystem services. Ecological Indicators, 2019,103, 617-629.

  • Wei WANG, Yujing XIE, Mengfei BI, Xiangrong WANG, Yi LU, Zhengqiu FAN,Effects of Best Management Practices on Nitrogen Load Reduction in Tea Fields with Different Slope Gradients Using the SWAT Model, Applied Geography, 2018.90, 1-14.

  • Yujing XIE*, Xijun YU, Cho Nam NG, Kun LI, Lei FANG, Exploring the Dynamic Correlation of Landscape Composition and Habitat Fragmentation with Surface Water Quality in the Shenzhen River and Deep Bay Cross-border Watershed, China, Ecological Indicators, 2018, 90,231-246.

  • Kun Li, Guangqing Chi, Ling Wangc, Yujing Xie*, Xiangrong Wang*, Zhengqiu Fan, 2018.Identifying the critical riparian buffer zone with the strongest linkage between landscape characteristics and surface water quality. Ecological Indicators, 93,2018:741-752.

  • Li K, Wang L, Li ZH, Xie YJ, Wang XR, Fang Q. Exploring the Spatial-Seasonal Dynamics of Water Quality, Submerged Aquatic Plants and Their Influencing Factors in Different Areas of a Lake , Water, 2017 , 9 (9) :707.

  • Xi Xu, Yujing Xie ,KeQi, Zukui Luo,Xiangrong Wang*, Detecting the response of bird communities and biodiversity to habitat loss and fragmentation due to urbanization, Science of the Total Environment, IF5:4.90, 624 (2018) 1561–1576.

  • Qi, K., Fan, Z.Q. *, Ng, C. N., Wang, X.R., Xie, Y. J. *, Functional analysis of landscape connectivity at the landscape, component, and patch levels: A case study of Minqing County, Fuzhou City, China, Applied Geography, 2017, 80,64-77.

  • Lu, Y., Wang, X.R., Xie, Y. J. *, Li, K., Xu, Y.Y., Integrating future land use scenarios to evaluate the spatio-temporal dynamics of landscape ecological security, Sustainability, 2016, doi:10.3390/su8121242.

  • Qing Fang, Zhengqiu Fan, Yujing Xie, Xiangrong Wang*, Kun Li, Yafeng Liu. Screening and Evaluation of the Bioremediation Potential of Cu/Zn-resistant, Autochthonous Acinetobacter sp. FQ-44 from Sonchus oleraceus L. Frontiers in plant science, (2016, 7, 1-11.

  • Ng, C. N., Xie, Y. J. *,Yu, X. J., Integrating landscape connectivity into the evaluation of ecosystem services for biodiversity conservation and its implications for landscape planning, Applied Geography, 2013, 42, 1-12.

  • Xie, Y. J. * ,Ng, C. N., Exploring spatio-temporal variations of habitat loss and its causal factors in the Shenzhen River cross-border watershed. Applied Geography,2013,39,140-150.

  • Ng, C. N., Xie, Y. J.*, & Yu, X. J. (2011). Measuring the spatio-temporal variation of habitat isolation due to rapid urbanization: A case study of the Shenzhen River cross-boundary catchment, China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 103(1), 44-54.

  • ChoNam Ng, Xijun Yu,*, Yujing Xie, and Jian Yang, A Comparison of Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Landscape Pattern in the Cities of Pearl River Delta, GRMSE (EI), 2013, Wuhan, P.R.China, 2013.11.08-11.10 (Best Paper Award) .

  • 孙伟,李昆,谢玉静,王祥荣. 中国特大城市空间规划中生态系统服务概念的应用状况、原因及对策研究——基于北京和上海城市总体规划的文本分析, 上海城市规划,2020,(2):34-41.

  • 徐艺扬,李 昆,谢玉静,凌焕然,钱敏蕾,王祥荣,鲁逸.基于GIS的城市内涝影响因素及多元回归模型研究——以上海为例.复旦学报(自然版),2018(2):182-198.

  • 李昆,米黑古丽·卡德尔,谢玉静,城市湿地生态系统韧性评价—以上海市典型滩涂湿地为例,城市与地方治理研究, 2018,2:72-87.

  • 钱敏蕾,李响,徐艺扬,谢玉静,王祥荣.  特大型城市生态文明建设评价指标体系构建——以上海市为例.复旦学报(自然科学版),2015, 54(4):389-397.

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