





  • 1999-2004, 南伊利诺伊大学, 环境资源与政策, 博士

  • 1996-1999, 南京大学, BET体育365投注官网, 硕士

  • 1992-1996, 南京大学, BET体育365投注官网,学士


  • 2013.01-至今, 复旦大学, BET体育365投注官网, 副教授

  • 2010.02-2012.12, 复旦大学, BET体育365投注官网, 讲师

  • 2006.01-2009.06, 堪萨斯州立大学, 博士后


  • 流域水环境模拟、流域污染控制、气候变化与流域水安全、机器学习与数据挖掘



  • 《概率论与环境数理统计》《Introduction to Environmental Hydrology》


  • 《Hydrological Analysis and Watershed Modeling》



  • Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, Long-term Research Grant Scheme (LRGS), Impacts of weather and climate extremes under global warming of 1.5ºC and 2.0ºC on water balance in the Kelantan and Muda River Basins, 2020/12-2024/11, 参与

  • 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,残留浸矿剂在场地和流域中的迁移扩散特征及机制,2020/1-2022/12,参与

  • 南京水利科学研究院水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室,“一带一路”水与可持续发展科技基金重点项目,马来西亚典型热带流域水文过程和极值的气候变化响应研究,2019/01-2020/12,主持

  • 科技部,国家重大科技专项(水专项子课题),过水性湖荡区水生植物群落构建与维持技术,2017/01-2020/06,参与

  • 科技部,国家重大科技专项(水专项子课题子任务),养殖废弃物资源化关键技术验证与推广应用,2017/01-2020/06,参与

  • 南京水利科学研究院水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室,开放研究基金面上项目,降雨分辨率对水循环模拟与气候变化评估的影响研究,2017/01-2018/11,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,气候变化对流域氮负荷与污染控制的影响研究-以驻马店市境内淮河流域上游为例,2013/01-2015/12,主持

  • 教育部,博士点新教师基金项目,营养盐负荷的气候变化敏感性研究:以汝河流域为例,2013/01-2015/12,主持

  • 科技部,国家重大科技专项(水专项子课题子任务),滇池水体内负荷综合控制与水质改善技术集成,2012/04-2015/12,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,基于LUCC及城市群典型空间增长组织模式的区域生态安全响应与调控,2012/01-2015/12,参与

  • 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,土壤环境对城市化发展梯度的响应及其定量模拟-以浦东新区为例,2012/01-2014/12,参与

  • 复旦大学,985专项三期项目,基于公众参与的流域面源污染控制技术优选和运行模式研究,2012/01-2014/04,主持

  • 上海市科学技术委员会,自然科学基金项目,塔式蚯蚓生态滤池中的氮素去除影响因素和机理研究,2011/04-2014/03,主持

  • 科技部,国家重大科技专项(水专项子课题),湖泊富营养化综合控制技术集成研究,2010/01-2011/12,参与


  1. Shuai Yang, Mou Leong Tan, Qixuan Song, Jian He, Nan Yao, Xiaogang Li, Xiaoying Yang*. 2023. Coupling SWAT and Bi-LSTM for improving daily-scale hydro-climatic simulation and climate change impact assessment in a tropical river basin. Journal of Environmental Management. 117244.

  2. Xiaoying Yang, Gaosheng Xi, Nan Yao, Ming Zhou, Xiaojiang Gao, Ming Chen, Xingxiang Wang, Zezhen Pan, Zimeng Wang*. 2022. Spatiotemporal distribution of residual ammonium in a rare-earth mine after in-situ leaching: A modeling study with scarce data. Journal of Hydrology. 615.

  3. Xiaoying Yang*, Shuai Yang, Mou Leong Tan, Hengyang Pan, Hongliang Zhang, Guoqing Wang, Ruimin He, Zimeng Wang*. 2022. Correcting the bias of daily satellite precipitation estimates in tropical regions using deep neural network. Journal of Hydrology. 608.

  4. Yang, X.*, He, R.M., Ye, J., Tan, M.L., Ji, X., Tan, L., Wang, G.Q.*. 2020. Integrating an hourly weather generator with an hourly rainfall SWAT Model for climate change impact assessment in the Ru River Basin, China. Atmospheric Research. 105062.

  5. Li, X. G., Huang, S. Z., He, R. M., Wang, G. Q., Tan, M. L., Yang, X. *, Zheng, Z. * 2020. Impact of temporal rainfall resolution on daily streamflow simulations in a large-sized river basin. Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques, 65(15), 2630-2645. 

  6. Yang, X., Lu, Y., Tan, M.L., Li, X.G., Wang, G.Q., He, R.M.* 2020. Nine-Year systematic evaluation of the GPM and TRMM precipitation products in the Shuaishui River Basin in East-Central China. Remote Sensing. 12(6), 30.

  7. Xiong, J.Y., Zhang, C.*, Yang, X.*, Zhou, T., Yang, S.J. 2020. Combining chemical coagulation with activated coke adsorption to remove organic matters and retain nitrogen compounds in mature landfill leachate. Environmental Technology. 9. DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2020.1732475

  8. He, R.M., Yang, X.*, Gassman, P.W., Wang, G.Q.*, Yu, C.Y.Z. 2019. Spatiotemporal characterization of nutrient pollution source compositions in the Xiaohong River Basin, China. Ecological Indicators. 107, 12.

  9. Xiong, J., Zheng, Z.*, Yang, X.*, Dai, X., Zhou, T., He, J., Luo, X. 2018. Recovery of NH3-N from mature leachate via negative pressure steamstripping pretreatment and its benefits on MBR systems: A pilot scale study. Journal of Cleaner Production. 203:918-925.

  10. Xiong, J., Zheng, Z. *, Yang, X.*, He, J., Luo, X., Gao, B. 2018. Mature landfill leachate treatment by the MBBR inoculated with biocarriers from a municipal wastewater treatment plant. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 119:304-310.

  11. Yang, X.*, Warren, R., He, Y., Ye, J., Li, Q., Wang, G. 2018. Impacts of Climate Change on TN Load and Its Control in a River Basin with Complex Pollution Sources. Science of the Total Environment. 615:1155-1163.  

  12. Yang, X., Liu, Q., Luo, X., Zheng Z*. 2017. Spatial regression and prediction of water quality in a watershed with complex pollution sources. Scientific Reports. DOI 10.1038/s41598-017-08254-w.

  13. Yang, X.*, Tan, L., He, R., Fu, G., Ye, J., Liu, Q., Wang, G*. 2017. Stochastic sensitivity analysis of nitrogen pollution to climate change in a river basin with complex pollution sources. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-0257-y.

  14. Yang, X. *, Liu, Q., Fu, G., He, Y., Luo, X., Zheng, Z. 2016. Spatiotemporal patterns and source attribution of nitrogen load in a river basin with complex pollution sources. Water Research. 94:187-199.

  15. Yang, X., Liu, Q., He, Y., Luo, X., Zhang, X. * 2016. Comparison of daily and sub-daily SWAT models for daily streamflow simulation in the Upper Huai River Basin of China, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 30(3):959-972.

  16. Li, J.H., Cao, X., Ge, Z.G., Yang, X.*, Zheng, Z.*, 2016. Flocculation of Microcystis aeruginosa by steel slag and its safety evaluation. Journal of Applied Phycology.  28: 261-268.

  17. Yang, X. * and Fang, S.* 2015. Practices, Perceptions, and Implications of Fertilizer Use in East-Central China. AMBIO (SCI). 44(7):647-652.

  18. He, Y., Ye, J., Yang, X*. 2015. Analysis of the spatio-temporal patterns of dry and wet conditions in the Huai River Basin using the Standardized Precipitation Index. Atmospheric Research. 166(12):120-128.

  19. Nie, E., Wang, D., Yang, M., Luo, X., Fang, C., Su, D., Yang, X.*, Zhou, L., Zheng, Z. 2015. Tower Bio-vermifilter System for Rural Wastewater Treatment: Bench-scale, Pilot-Scale, and Engineering Applications. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 12 (3):1053-1064.

  20. Yang, X., Fang, S.B., Lant, C., et al. 2012. Overfertilization in the economically developed and ecologically critical Lake Tai region, China. Human Ecology. 40:957–964.

  21. Fang, S.B., Jia, X.B., Yang, X.*, et al. 2012. A method of identifying priority spatial patterns for the management of potential ecological risks posed by heavy metals. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 237-238:290-298.  

  22. Yang, X.* 2012. Application of the conceptualization groundwater data model to study the Upper Arkansas River Corridor, Western Kansas. Journal of Earth Sciences. 23(1):77-87. 

  23. Yang, X., Jiang, G.M., Luo, X., Zheng, Z.* 2012. Preliminary mapping of high-resolution rural population distribution based on imagery from Google Earth: A case study in the Lake Tai basin, Eastern China. Applied Geography. 32(2):221-227.

  24. Yang, X.* and Lant, C. 2011. A geographical and temporal analysis of U.S. thermoelectric withdrawals in comparison to renewable water supplies. Applied Geography. 31(3):1154-1165. 

  25. Yang, X.* and Jin, W., 2010. GIS-based spatial regression and prediction of water quality in river networks: A case study in Iowa. Journal of Environmental Management. 91(10):1943-1951. 

  26. Yang, X.*, Steward, D.R., de Lange, W.J., et al. 2010. Data model for system conceptualization in groundwater studies. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 24(5):677–694. 

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