





  • 1996-2001, 清华大学,核能科学与技术研究院,博士

  • 1991-1996, 清华大学,BET体育365投注官网,学士


  • 2012.01-至今,   复旦大学,BET体育365投注官网,副教授

  • 2001.05-2012.01  复旦大学,BET体育365投注官网,讲师


  • 大气环境科学、环境评价



  • 《环境评价》、《环境学原理》、《污染气象学》、《环境虚拟仿真》



  • 船舶排放大气污染物的管控关键技术研究及应用示范,广东省重点领域研究计划,2021-2023

  • 基于中国移动位置大数据的生态环境风险预估算法-以水和空气为例,中国移动,2021

  • 台州工业园区有毒有害气体风险预测模型开发,广州禾信仪器股份有限公司,2021

  • IMO船舶黑碳减排技术研究,工信部,高技术船舶科研项目,2020-2022

  • 上海市环评机构诚信管理指标体系研究,上海市环科院,2019-2020

  • 船舶排放控制区监测监管关键技术研究,深圳市人居环境委员会,2017-2018

  • 基于扩散模型的典型石化园区挥发性有机物溯源技术研究,上海市科委,2015-2017

  • 上海化学工业区环境综合监管系统溯源模块开发, 上海化工区,2014-2015

  • 东营港经济开发区应急监管平台大气扩散模块开发,上海工业自动化仪表研究院,2014

  • 出行过程交通源空气污染暴露时空变化的动态模拟方法,国家自然科学基金,2012-2014

  • 基于GIS的危险化学品大气污染事故应急响应模拟软件系统的研发,复旦-盐城环保中心,2012-2014

  • 特大城市重大环境污染事件应急技术综合示范(863项目)子课题——大气污染事故风险场模拟及预测系统开发,科技部,2008-2010



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  • Liu Y , Yu Q , Huang Z , et al. Identifying Key Potential Source Areas for Ambient Methyl Mercaptan Pollution Based on Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Data in an Industrial Park[J]. Atmosphere, 2018, 9(12)

  • Wang Y , Huang Z , Liu Y , et al. Back-Calculation of Traffic-Related PM10 Emission Factors Based on Roadside Concentration Measurements[J]. Atmosphere, 2017, 8(6):99

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  • Yu, Q, Lu, Y , Xiao, S, Shen, JX, Li, X, Ma, WC , Chen, LM. Commuters’ exposure to PM1 by common travel modes in Shanghai. Atmospheric Environment,v59 (2012), 39-46.

  • Zhao, Q, Yu, Q, Chen, LM. Particulate matter and particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Dapu road tunnel in Shanghai .International Journal of Environment and Pollution,v41(2010),Issue:1-2 ,Pages:21-37

  • Zhang, Y, Yu, Q, Ma, WC, Chen, LM. The Influence of Continental Outflows on the Marine Aerosol over Yangshan Isle in the East China Sea: One Episode with Heavy Air Pollution. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences,v21(2010),Issue:6 ,939-953

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  • Gao, X, Yu, Q, Gu, Q, Chen, Y, Ding, K, Zhu, J, Chen, LM. Indoor air pollution from solid biomass fuels combustion in rural agricultural area of Tibet, China. Indoor Air,v19(2009),Issue: 3, Pages: 198-205

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  • Ma, Weichun, Wang, Xuan, Zhang, Yan, Yu, Qi. The Application of Expert System to the Screening of Atmospheric Environmental Impact from Comprehensive Road Traffic Planning in Shanghai. Proceedings-5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD, v4 (2008), 636-642

  • Zhang, Y, Yu, Q, Ma, WC, Chen, LM. Atmospheric deposition of inorganic nitrogen over the eastern China seas and its implication to marine biogeochemistry. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere,v115(2010)

  • Xiaopeng Fan, Kin-che Lam, Qi Yu. Differential exposure of the urban population to vehicular air pollution in Hong Kong. Science of the Total Environment. 426 (2012) 211–219

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