





  • 2004.9-2008.1,复旦大学BET体育365投注官网,博士           

  • 2001.9-2004.7,南京大学大气科学系,硕士

  • 1997.9-2001.7,南京气象学院气象学系,本科


  • 2008.4 -2014.11 ,复旦大学BET体育365投注官网,讲师

  • 2011.11-2013.3,  美国康奈尔大学地球与大气科学系,访问学者/博士后

  • 2014.12 -2019.11,复旦大学BET体育365投注官网,副教授

  • 2019年12月-     复旦大学BET体育365投注官网,教授


  • 城市气象/气候;

  • 大气环境数值模拟;

  • 大气沉降/地球生物化学物质循环;

  • 全球气候变化;


  • 城市气象/气候;

  • 沿海人为源和自然源排放清单;

  • 大气环境数值模拟;

  • 大气沉降/地球生物化学物质循环;


  • 中国环境科学学会大气环境分会委员;

  • 中国环境科学学会臭氧污染控制专业委员会委员;


  • 船舶排放及其海洋大气环境影响的表征方法和管控技术研发和应用,上海海洋科学与技术奖一等奖,2023.(张艳为第一完成人,复旦大学为第一完成单位)



  • 空气污染气象学

  • 环境科学与工程虚拟仿真实验课程


  • 大气化学和大气物理前沿



  • 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“复杂排放源和多尺度环流共同驱动下的海岸带大气污染演变特征与机制研究”(编号:42375100),2024-2027;

  • 主持上海市科委自然科学基金“上海大气污染的垂直演化特征及陆-海交互过程研究(编号:22ZR1407700)”, 2022-2025;

  • 主持上海市生态环境局科研项目“长三角一体化港口集疏运体系碳减排路径研究(编号:沪环科【2022】第32号)”,2022-2023;

  • 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目” 船舶黑碳颗粒物排放及多尺度环境和气候效应”, 2021-2024;

  • 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目” 船舶排放烟羽对沿海城市大气环境影响的动态过程:数值模拟与在线观测”, 2017-2020;

  • 主持工业信息部”IMO黑碳减排技术研究”子课题, 2020.01-2022.12;

  • 主持广东省重点研发项目课题” 船舶大气污染物排放及环境影响的智能化监控监管平台集成及示范应用” 2021.01-2023.12;

  • 主持联合国IMO第四次全球船舶温室气体评估研究国际合作项目子课题,2019-2020;

  • 主持HEI国际合作项目”上海/长三角船舶排放的环境健康效应评估” 2017-2019;

  • 主持上海市科委科技攻关项目课题”浦东新区臭氧和细颗粒物协同控制示范应用研究“2019.10-2022.09;

  • 主持上海市科委科技攻关项目课题”AIS解译技术及排放模型开发”,2015.7-2017.6;

  • 主要参与上海市环保局重大项目“船舶排放特征及对大气环境的影响”,2015-2016;

  • 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目“航运排放对区域及城市空气质量的影响”,2011-2013;

  • 主持教育部新教师基金“考虑海表粗糙度的大气沉降模型的开发和应用”,2009-2011;

  • 主持上海市科委自然科学基金” 上海市重空气污染形成的理化机制及影响因子的数值模拟研究”,2014-2016;

  • 上海市环境科学研究院 “基于AIS数据的船舶交通活动量现状及预测以及大气污染物排放的时空分布数据库”2019-2020;

  • 上海国际港口集团”港口排放清单测算及上海港绿色港口发展研究” 2018-2020;

  • 上海市环保科技有限公司” 上海市沿江沿海码头港作机械污染源调查” 2018-2019;

  • 浦东新区环境事务管理中心”浦东新区第二次全国污染源普查沿海江码头专项调查” 2018-2019;

  • 主持江苏省AEMPC重点实验室开放课题“长三角近海气溶胶的理化特性及来源解析”,2014-2015;

  • 主持上海市城乡建设和交通发展研究院课题“交通排放的环境影响评价指标及技术方法研究(以上海为例)”,2014-2015;

  • 参与国家863项目“饮用水源地多目标水质”子课题“大气沉降模型的开发和应用”,负责大气沉降模型开发,2008-2010;

  • 参与国家863项目“特大城市重大环境污染事件应急技术综合示范”子课题“大气污染事故风险场模拟及预测系统”,负责气象场模拟(WRF),2007-2012;

  • 参与国家环境保护局“长三角区域大气环境保护规划”之子课题“上海市大气复合污染特征研究”,上海市环保局项目,负责大气数值模拟(MM5-CMAQ),2005-2006,已结题;



  • 《第四次气候变化国家评估报告》编写委员会,《第四次气候变化国家评估报告特别报告:科学数据集》,商务印书馆出版,2022年11月, 北京。(章节首席作者)

  • International Maritime Organization. Fourth IMO Greenhouse Gas Study 2020; International Maritime Organization: London, UK, 2020; Published in 2021 by the International Maritime Organization, 4 Albert Embankment, London (UK) SE1 7SR; Available online: www.imo.org (accessed on 6 August 2021). (报告章节首席作者)

  • Yan Zhang, Junlan Feng, Cong Liu, Junri Zhao, Weichun Ma, Cheng Huang, Jingyu An, Yin Shen, Qingyan Fu, Shuxiao Wang, Dian Ding, Wangqi Ge, Freda Fung, Kethural Manokaran, Allison P Patton, Katherine D Walker, Haidong Kan,Impacts of Shipping on Air Pollutant Emissions, Air Quality, and Health in the Yangtze River Delta and Shanghai, China. Health Effects Institute,Boston, USA. Available online: www.healtheffects.org . 2019年12月. (报告领衔作者)


  • Jiang, S., Zhang, Y. (通讯作者), Yu, G., Han, Z., Zhao, J., Zhang, T., and Zheng, M.: Source-resolved atmospheric metal emissions, concentrations, and their deposition fluxes into the East Asian Seas, EGUsphere [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2024-155, 2024. (Discussion)

  • Zhao, J., Zhang, Y. (通讯作者), Bie, S., K. R. Bilsback, J. R. Pierce and Y. Chen. Changes in global DMS production driven by increased CO2 levels and its impact on radiative forcing, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 2024,7(1):18-8. DOI: 10.1038/s41612-024-00563-y.

  • Zhao, J., Zhang, Y (通讯作者)., Bie, S., Yang, G.-P., Bilsback, K. R., Pierce, J. R., & Chen, Y. Improving estimates of dynamic global marine DMS and implications for aerosol radiative effect. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2024, 129, e2023JD039314. https://doi. org/10.1029/2023JD039314.

  • J Zhai, G Yu, J Zhang, S Shi, Y Yuan, S Jiang, C Xing, B Cai, Y Zeng, Y Wang, A Zhang, Y Zhang, T Fu, L Zhu, H Shen, J Ye, C Wang, S Tao, M Li, Y Zhang(通讯作者), and X Yang(通讯作者). Impact of Ship Emissions on Air Quality in the Greater Bay Area in China under the Latest Global Marine Fuel Regulation, Environmental Science & Technology,57(33),2023.

  • Hou W, Z Liu, G Yu, S Bie, Y Zhang(通讯作者), Y Chen(通讯作者), D Ma, F Zhang, C Lou, X Hu, Y Gui, W Zhou, On-board measurements of OC/EC ratio, mixing state, and light absorption of ship-emitted particles. Science of The Total Environment,904(166692), 2023.

  • Y. Yuan, Y. Zhang, (通讯作者) J. Mao, G. Yu, K. Xu, J. Zhao, H Qian, L Wu, X Yang, Y Chen, W Ma, Diverse changes in shipping emissions around the Western Pacific ports under the coeffect of the epidemic and fuel oil policy,Science of The Total Environment,879(11):162892,2023.

  • Liu Z, Y Chen(通讯作者), Y Zhang (通讯作者), F Zhang, Y Feng, M Zheng, Q Li, and J Chen. Emission Characteristics and Formation Pathways of Intermediate Volatile Organic Compounds from Ocean-Going Vessels: Comparison of Engine Conditions and Fuel Types, Environmental Science & Technology,56(18),2022.

  • Junri Zhao; Weichun Ma; Kelsey R. Bilsback; Jeffrey R. Pierce; Shengqian Zhou; Ying Chen; Guipeng Yang; Yan Zhang (通讯作者),Simulating the radiative forcing of oceanic dimethylsulfide (DMS) in Asia based on machine learning estimates. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2022, 22(14): 9583-9600.

  • Xue Hao; Yan Zhang (通讯作者); Guangyuan Yu; Baoshan He; Fan Yang; Zhong Zou; Cangang Zhang; Xin Yang (通讯作者); Bin Ouyang; Yunhua Chang, Online vertical measurement of air pollutants: Development of a monitoring platform on a skyscraper and its application in Shanghai. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2022, 13(7): 101477-101477.

  • Baoshan He; Guangyuan Yu; Xin Zhang; Zhiyin He; Qian Wang; Qizhen Liu; Jingbo Mao; Yan Zhang (通讯作者), Contributions of Regional Transport Versus Local Emissions and Their Retention Effects During PM2.5 Pollution Under Various Stable Weather in Shanghai. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022, 10.

  • Yu Guangyuan, Yan Zhang(通讯作者), Fan Yang, Baoshan He, Cangang Zhang, Zhong ZouZhong Zou, Xin Yang(通讯作者), Nan Li, and Jun Chen Dynamic Ni/V Ratio in the Ship-Emitted Particles Driven by Multiphase Fuel Oil Regulations in Coastal China. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.1c02612

  • Mao Jingbo , Yan Zhang(通讯作者), Fangqun Yu(通讯作者), Arshad Arjunan Nair, Qi Yu, Lin Wang, Weichun Ma, Limin Chen,2021. On the Ship Particle Number Emission Index: Size-Resolved Microphysics and Key Controlling Parameters. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere. 126, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD034427

  • Junri Zhao, Yan Zhang(通讯作者), Haoran Xu, Shu Tao, Rong Wang, Qi Yu, Ying Chen, Zhong Zou, Weichun Ma(通讯作者), 2021. Trace elements from ocean-going vessels in East Asia: Vanadium and nickel emissions and their impacts on air quality. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD033984

  • 刘义铭,张艳(通讯作者),袁宇鹏,王珊珊,郭俊东,王蕾,周斌,2021. 基于船舶实时排放和烟羽在线监测的燃油硫含量识别方法研究. 环境科学学报,41(7):2624-2632

  • Chao Zhang; Z Shi; Junri Zhao; Yan Zhang(通讯作者); Y Yu; Y Mu; X Yao; L Feng; Fan Zhang; Y Chen; X Liu; J Shi; H Gao(通讯作者), 2021. Impact of air emissions from shipping on marine phytoplankton growth, Science of The Total Environment. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145488

  • Zhao Junri, Yan Zhang (通讯作者), Allison P. Patton, Weichun Ma, Haidong Kan, Libo Wu, Freda Fung, Shuxiao Wang, Dian Ding, Katherine Walker,2020.  Projection of ship emissions and their impact on air quality in 2030 in Yangtze River delta, China. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 263, 114643. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114643

  • Mao Jingbo, Yan Zhang (通讯作者), Fangqun Yu, Jianmin Chen, Jianfeng Su, Shanshan Wang, Zhong Zou, Jun Zhou, Qi Yu, Weichun Ma, Limin Chen (通讯作者),2020. Simulating the impacts of ship emissions on coastal air quality: Importance of a high-resolution emission inventory relative to cruise- and land-based observations. Science of the Total Environment 728, 138454. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138454

  • Zou Zhong, Junri Zhao, Cangang Zhang, Yan Zhang (通讯作者), Xin Yang, Jianmin Chen, Jianping Xu, Ruibin Xue, Bin Zhou (通讯作者), 2020. Effects of cleaner ship fuels on air quality and implications for future policy: A case study of Chongming Ecological Island in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 267, 122088, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122088

  • Zhao, J., et al. (2021), Impact of dimethylsulfide chemistry on air quality over the Northern Hemisphere, Atmospheric Environment, 244, 117961, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117961.

  • 张艳; 赵俊日; 基于IDW插值算法的海洋大气污染源清单估算系统【简称:EmisDMS】V1.0, 软件著作权编号2021SR0211707

  • Li, S., G. Sarwar, J. Zhao, Y. Zhang, S. Zhou, Y. Chen, G. Yang, and A. Saiz-Lopez (2020), Modeling the Impact of Marine DMS Emissions on Summertime Air Quality Over the Coastal East China Seas, Earth and Space Science, 7(10), e2020EA001220, doi: https://doi.org/10.1029/2020EA001220.

  • Li, S.; Zhang, Y.; Zhao, J.; Sarwar, G.; Zhou, S.; Chen, Y.; Yang, G.; Saiz-Lopez, A. Regional and Urban-Scale Environmental Influences of Oceanic DMS Emissions over Coastal China Seas. Atmosphere 2020, 11, 849.

  • Zhou,Y, Y Zhang (通讯作者), D Ma, J Lu, W Luo, Y Fu, S Li 1,J Feng, C Huang (通讯作者), W Ge and H Zhu 2020. Port-Related Emissions, Environmental Impacts and Their Implication on Green Traffic Policy in Shanghai. Sustainability 12, 4162; doi:10.3390/su12104162.

  • Zhang X, Zhang Y (通讯作者), Liu Y, Zhao J, Zhou Y, Wang X, Yang X (通讯作者), Zhong Zou, Cangang Zhang, Qingyan Fu, Jianming Xu, Wei Gao, Nan Li, Jun Chen, 2019. Changes in SO2 Level and PM2.5 Components in Shanghai Driven by implementing the Ship Emission Control Policy. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 53:11580-11587. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b03315.

  • Feng, J., Zhang, Y.  (通讯作者), Li, S., Mao, J., Patton, A. P., Zhou, Y., Ma, W., Liu, C., Kan, H., Huang, C., An, J., Li, L., Shen, Y., Fu, Q., Wang, X., Liu, J., Wang, S., Ding, D., Cheng, J., Ge, W., Zhu, H., and Walker, K. The influence of spatiality on shipping emissions, air quality and potential human exposure in the Yangtze River Delta/Shanghai, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2019,19, 6167-6183.

  • Wang J, Mao J., Zhang Y  (通讯作者), Cheng T, Yu Q., Tan J., Ma W (通讯作者). Simulating the Effects of Urban Parameterizations on the Passage of a Cold Front During a Pollution Episode in Megacity Shanghai. Atmosphere. 2019, 10, 79; doi:10.3390/atmos10020079.

  • Ruoting Luo, Cheng He, Qi Yu, Li He, Yan Zhang (通讯作者), Wei-chun Ma (通讯作者). Investigating the Influence of the Implementation of an Energy Development Plan on Air Quality Using WRF-CAMx Modeling Tools: A Case Study of Shandong Province in China., Atmosphere 2019, 10, 660; doi:10.3390/atmos10110660.

  • Mao Jingbo(#);Yu Fangqun (通讯作者); Zhang Yan (通讯作者); An Jingyu; Wang Lin; Zheng Jun; Yao Lei; Luo Gan; Ma Weichun; Yu Qi; Huang Cheng; Li Li; Chen Limin, High-resolution modeling of gaseous methylamines over a polluted region in China: source-dependent emissions and implications of spatial variations, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2018.06.6,

  • Liu, Zhanmin; Lu, Xiaohui; Feng, Junlan; Fan, Qianzhu; Zhang, Yan (通讯作者); Yang, Xin (通讯作者), Influence of Ship Emissions on Urban Air Quality: A Comprehensive Study Using Highly Time-Resolved Online Measurements and Numerical Simulation in Shanghai, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2017.1.3, 51(1): 202~211

  • Zhang Y, Xin Yang , Richard Brown , Liping Yang , Lidia Morawska , Zoran Ristovski,Qingyan Fu, Cheng HuangShipping emissions and their impacts on air quality in China.[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 581: 186~198

  • Tan Jiani, Yan Zhang (通讯作者), Weichun Ma, Qi Yu, Qian Wang, Qingyan Fu, Bin Zhou, Jianmin    Chen, Limin Chen,2016 .Evaluation and Potential Improvements of WRF/CMAQ in simulating multi-levels air pollution in Megacity Shanghai, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, DOI:10.1007/s00477-016-1342-3. On line (Web).

  • Fan Q, Zhang Y (通讯作者), Ma W, Ma H, Feng J, Yu Q, Yang X, S K.W. Ng, Fu Q, and Chen L., 2016. Spatial and seasonal dynamics of ship emissions over the Yangtze River Delta and East China Sea and their potential environmental influence. Environmental Science & Technology,. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03965 [J].

  • Natalie M. Mahowald, Douglas S. Hamilton, Katherine R.M. Mackey, J. KeithMoore, Alex R. Baker, Rachel A. Scanza & Yan Zhang , Aerosol trace metal leaching and impacts on marine microorganisms, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2018, 9:2614; DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018- 04970-7 (Review paper),

  • Cheng, Y., Wang, S., Zhu, J., Guo, Y., Zhang, R., Liu, Y., Zhang, Y ; Yu, Q; Ma, W & Zhou, B. (2019). Surveillance of SO2 and NO2 from ship emissions by MAX-DOAS measurements and the implications regarding fuel sulfur content compliance. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(21), 13611-13626.

  • Wang, X., Shen, Y., Lin, Y., Pan, J., Zhang, Y., Louie, P. K., ... & Fu, Q. (2019). Atmospheric pollution from ships and its impact on local air quality at a port site in Shanghai. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(9), 6315-6330.

  • Liu, Lei ; Zhang, Xiuying* ; Zhang, Yan ; Xu, Wen ; Liu, Xuejun ; Zhang, Xiaomin ; Feng, Junlan ;Chen, Xinrui ; Zhang, Yuehan ; Lu, Xuehe ; Wang, Shanqian ; Zhang, Wuting ; Zhao, Limin. Dry Particulate Nitrate Deposition in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 5572.

  • 张艳; 丁汀; 冯俊岚; 范千竹; 马蔚纯; 余琦. 通用多尺度船舶排放智能分析系统【简称:CMES】V1.0, 中国, 软件著作权编号2017SR178572,2017-05-15

  • Zhang Y(通讯作者), Mahowald N, Scanza R, Journet, E., Desboeufs, K., Albani, S., Kok, J., Zhuang, G., Chen, Y., Cohen, D. D., Paytan, A., Patey, M. D., Achterberg, E. P., Engelbrecht, J P., and Fomba, K. W.. Modeling the global emission, transport and deposition of trace elements associated with mineral dust [J]. Biogeosciences, 2015, 11(12): 5771-5792. (SCI)

  • Tan J., Y Zhang (通讯作者), W Ma, Q Yu, et al., 2015. Impact of spatial resolution on air quality simulation: A case study in a highly industrialized area in Shanghai, China. Atmospheric Pollution Research (SCI, IF=1.2), 2015(6), 322-333 .

  • 张艳(通讯作者),战雯静,马蔚纯(通讯作者),余琦,陈立民,2015.长三角气象及空气质量场对地表资料的敏感性分析.南京大学学报(自然科学版),562-574.

  • 张艳,范千竹,马会心,马蔚纯,余琦. 基于AIS的船舶废气动态排放估算软件【简称:ShipEmis】V1.0 ,2015,中国, 登记号2015SR221614.

  • Meng, X., Q Fu, Z Ma, L Chen, Y Zhang, W Xue, J Wang, D Wang, H Kan (通讯作者), Y Liu. Estimating ground-level PM10 in a Chinese city by combining satellite data, meteorological information and a land use regression model, Environmental Pollution (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2015.09.042 (in press)

  • Ma Weichun, Liguo Zhou, Hao Zhang, Yan Zhang, Xiaoyan Dai(通讯作者), Air temperature field distribution estimations over a Chinese mega-city using MODIS land surface temperature data: the case of Shanghai, Frontiers of Earth Science, 2016, 10(1): 38-48

  • Scanza, R. A., Mahowald, N., Ghan, S., Zender, C. S., Kok, J. F., Liu, X., and Zhang, Y.: Modeling dust as component minerals in the Community Atmosphere Model: development of framework and impact on radiative forcing, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 14, 17749-17816, doi:10.5194/acpd-14-17749-2014, 2014.

  • Zhang Y., W Ma, L Chen, 2013. Influence of sea surface rough flow on atmospheric dry deposition velocities. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, 24(5):877-886

  • Zhao, M., Zhang Y (通讯作者)., Ma W., et al., 2013. Characteristics and ship traffic source identification of air pollutants in China’s largest port. Atmospheric Environment, 64,277-286.

  • Zhan W., Zhang Y (通讯作者), Ma W., et al., 2013. Estimating influences of urbanizations on meteorology and air quality of a Central Business District in Shanghai, China. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 27:353-365.

  • 张艳,鲍文杰,马蔚纯等,2012. 超大城市热岛效应的季节变化特征及其年际差异. 地球物理学报,4,1121-1128.

  • 战雯静,张艳(通讯作者),马蔚纯等,2012. 长江口大气重金属污染特征及沉降通量.中国环境科学, 32(5)900-905.

  • Zhang, Y., Q. Yu, W. Ma, and L. Chen, 2010. Atmospheric deposition of inorganic nitrogen to the eastern China seas and its implication to marine biogeochemistry, Journal 0f Geophysical Research, 115:D00K10, doi:10.1029/2009JD012814.(SCI)

  • Zhang, Y., Q. Yu, W. Ma, and L. Chen, 2010. The Influence of Continental Outflows on the Marine Aerosol over Yangshan Isle in the East China Sea: One Episode with Heavy Air Pollution. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, 21(6):939-953. (SCI)

  • 张艳,余琦,伏晴艳,马蔚纯, 2010.长江三角洲区域输送对上海市空气质量影响的特征 分析.中国环境科学, 30(7), 914-923.

  • Yu Q., Zhang Y., Wang X, Ma W. Safety distance assessment of industrial toxic releases based on frequency and consequence: A case study in Shanghai, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 168(2-3):955-961.(SCI)

  • 浦静姣,张艳,余 琦, 马蔚纯. 上海地区O3与NO2时空特征数值模拟个例研究. 中国环境科学,2009(5):461-468

  • Zhang Y, T. J. Wang, L. M. Chen, 2007. Using sub-grid scale method to quantify atmospheric deposition of sulfur in East China. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, 18(5):1051~1065. (SCI)

  • 王体健, 张艳等;利用次网格技术模拟华东地区大气氮硫沉降. 高原气象,2006,25(5).

  • 张艳,王体健等;典型大气污染物在不同下垫面上干沉降速率的时空分布规律 气候与环境研究 2004,9(4).

  • Wang T. J.,Y. Zhang et.al., 2003. Atmospheric sulfur deposition and the sulfurnutrition of crops at an agricultural site in Jiangxi province of China. Tellus B, 53, 893-900


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