Marie Harder

Professor, PhD Supervisor

研究方向:interdisciplinary research, especially waste management, behaviour science implementation and sociology,



  • 1985-1989, University of Sussex, DPhil

  • 1982-1985, U.C.N. Wales at Bangor, BSc (Hons)


  • 2020 - current  University College London, the Bartlett Real Estate Institute, Honorary Professor

  • 2011 -current Fudan University, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Distinguish Professor With continuation of Professorship at University of Brighton part-time

  • 2008-current  University of Brighton, Professor

  • 2005-2008  University   of Brighton, Principal Lecturer

  • 2001-2004  University   of Brighton, CEO and founder of the Brighton Environmental Body (PL status)

  • 1989 – 2001  University of Brighton, Lecturer, then Senior Lecturer


  • At the moment this have led to two main research foci:

  • 1. Changing food waste diversion behaviour of residents in cooperation with Shanghai Municipality (population 24 million) through grounded theory building.

    2. Crystallising and communicating local shared values of communities.

  • I am a professor at both Fudan University, China and University of Brighton UK. I am currently seeking a high-quality PhD student for a fully funded studentship at the University of Brighton linked to a Global Challenge Research Fund project.  The second supervisor Dr Rachel Masika is based at the University of Brighton, see here for details:

  • I also welcome PhD students for full scholarships and stipends at Fudan University in China (email me before November each year; deadline in February for following September start) in any of the topics under Research Interests. Those sensitive to hard work and reading around completely new disciplines to make progress, need not apply.

  • I welcome postdocs to join me for 2 years at Fudan university in Shanghai, to have links with Brighton. Residency there is not always required: accommodation and basic salary sufficient for Shanghai is provided. Registration any time of year.


    1) UK Fellow Royal Society of the Arts (FRSA)


    1)2018.1 I was invited to become a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts.

    2)2016.9 the Shanghai City Magnolia Award (Silver) for services to internationalisation in the metropolis.


  • I teach on the basis that students are actively interested in learning, and will firm up the content and assessment methods around the needs of individual students to the greatest extent possible. This means I like to know your background, and where you think you are going to: I will then try to support you on that pathway within my segment of your education.

  • I believe in travelling across disciplinary boundaries wherever needed, respecting the need for further reading and understanding every time - and like students to do the same. I like to challenge students to think more critically, but try to do this at an appropriate level for them.

  • I believe that quality learning can also come from non-formal sources of information and disruption.


《Methodology of Social Science Research》,《Environmental Policies》



1) KRI GCRF, Action Against Stunting HUB, Grant Ref: MR/S01313X/1 Theme,2019-2024,£18,271,185 in total (£577,734 for Shared Values Theme lead work),in progress, Lead for Shared Values across the Hub, in Senegal, India and Indonesia.

2) NSFC, Sino-Greece Intergovernmental Bilateral Research & Technological Development Cooperation Project 2017YFE0193400. ,industrial and Environmental Waste Stream, 2019-2022, ¥ 1,360,000, in process, PI.

3) NSFC, Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe – National Natural Science Foundation China. Project 18319228,Resource nexus for transformation to circular, resilient, and liveable cities in the context of climate change,2019-2022,€986,300, in progress, as Key Member of the Fudan team- Leader, Shared Values Work package.

4) UKRI AHRC, Capturing values-based legacies of community-led development with GPI in Bhutan Values-based approaches in Bhutan for assessment of GPI and BNH legacies, AH/N007751/1, 2016-2017, £ 85,850, finished, PI.

5) UKRI AHRC, Starting from Values - Evaluating Intangible Legacies, AH/L013142/1, 2014-2016, £113,630 plus extension of £20k, plus dissemination funds of £15k, finished, PI.

6) EU FP7 Research Environment: ESDinds: The Development of Indicators & Assessment Tools for CSO Projects Promoting Values-based Education for Sustainable Development. Project number 212237, 2008-2011, €814,565, finished, PI.



M Harder, G Burford, Measuring intangible values: rethinking how to evaluate socially beneficial actions,2018,Taylor & Francis Ltd



1. Harder M.K., Dike F.O., Firoozmand F., Bouvrie N., Masika R.J., Are those really transformative learning outcomes? Validating the relevance of a reliable process . Journal of Cleaner Production , 2021, 285: 125343 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.125343

2. EC Odii, CC Ebido, MK HarderA values-based approach for generating localized social indicators for use in sustainability assessment and decision-making: Test case of brownfield soft reuse in Nigeria. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 711, 135-45

3. Sethamo, O.A., Masika, R.J., Harde,r M.K. Understanding the role of crystallizing local shared values in fostering effective community engagement in adaptation planning in Botswana,Climate and Development, 2019, 1-9

4. Measuring intangible values: rethinking how to evaluate socially beneficial actions. Harder, M.K., Burford, G., 2018, Routledge (book).

5. Burford G., Tamás P., Harder* M.K.  Can we improve indicator design for complex sustainable development goals? A comparison of a values-based and conventional approach. Sustainability, 2016, 8(9) 10.3390/su8090861

6. Harder* M.K., Velasco I., Burford G., Podger D, Janoušková S., Piggot G., Hoover E. Reconceptualizing 'effectiveness' in environmental projects: Can we measure values-related achievements? Journal of Environmental Management, 2014, 139 120-134.


1. Ma Z.L., Li C.J., Xue Y.S., Nduneseokwu C.K., Wang X., Harder* M.K. From pioneer to promotion: how can residential waste diversion non-profit organizations (NPOs) best co-evolve in modern China? Environmental Challenges, 2021, 3:100055 10.1016/j.envc.2021.100055

2. Bian S.Q., Nduneseokwu C.K., Li C.J., Harder* M.K. Drift in policy implementation: Incentives thwarted in a recycling programme. Waste management & Research, 2021: 734242X-2110251X 10.1177/0734242X211025193

3. Li C.J., Zhang Y., Nouvellet P., Okoro J.O., Wang X., Harder* M.K. Distance is a barrier to recycling – or is it? Surprises from a clean test. Waste Management, 2020,108: 183-188.

4. Wang X., Werff E.V., Bouman., Harder M.K., Steg L. I Am vs. We Are: How Biospheric Values and Environmental Identity of Individuals and Groups Can Influence Pro-environmental Behaviour . Frontiers in Psychology, 2021,12: 121 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.618956

5. Li C.J., Wang Y., Li Y., Huang Y.Y., Harder M.K. The incentives may not be the incentive: A field experiment in recycling of residential food waste. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2021,168: 105316.

6.Huang Y.Y., Tamas P.A., Harder* M.K. Information with a smile – Does it increase recycling? Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 178 947-953 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.01.006

7. Li C.J., Huang Y.Y., Harder* M.K. Incentives for food waste diversion: Exploration of a long term successful Chinese city residential scheme. Journal of Cleaner Production,2017, 156 491-499.

8. Xu D.Y., Lin Z.Y., Gordon M.P.R., Robinson N.K.L., Harder* M.K. Perceived key elements of a successful residential food waste sorting program in urban apartments: stakeholder views Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 134 362-370 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.12.107

9. Dai Y.C., Lin Z.Y., Li C.J., Xu D.Y., Huang W.F., Harder* M.K. Information strategy failure: personal interaction success, in urban residential food waste segregation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 134 298-309 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.12.104

10. Lin Z.Y., Wang X., Li C.J., Gordon M.P.R., Harder* M.K. Visual prompts or volunteer models: An experiment in recycling. Sustainability , 2016, 8(5) 10.3390/su8050458

11. Dai Y.C., Gordon M.P.R., Ye J.Y., Xu D.Y., Lin Z.Y., Robinson N.K.L., Woodard R., Harder* M.K. Why door-stepping can increase household waste recycling.  Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2015, 102 9-19 10.1016/j.resconrec.2015.06.004

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